Heart disease

Health 19-06-2017

Regulating consumers?

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Over the years, sales and marketing restrictions have piled up on food, drinks and alcohol products. Some are now beginning to worry about a “slippery slope” where tobacco-style regulations – and taxation – are being applied to a whole range of consumer products in the name of public health objectives.

Cardiovascular diseases make up 40% of deaths in the EU, according to a WHO study
Health 19-12-2016

Cardiovascular health in the UK

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Although death rates have fallen substantially, cardiovascular disease remains the single biggest killer in the UK and Europe, as well as a sizeable economic burden. EURACTIV looks at the many facets of cardiovascular disease.

EURACTIV Special Report - Cardiovascular health
Health 07-09-2015

Cardiovascular health

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EURACTIV reports from the European Society of Cardiology 2015 congress, the largest and most influential cardiovascular event.

Cardiovascular Diseases and Cholesterol
Health 23-03-2015

Cardiovascular disease and cholesterol

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EURACTIV reports from the European Atherosclerosis Congress 2015 in Glasgow, focusing on cardiovascular diseases, and the overlooked consequences of high levels of bad cholesterol.