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As the European economy goes through profound changes, industry and society will need employees to gain new skills.
The radical transformation of the economy towards a more decarbonised and digital industry will change the skills that are in demand. But how can these skills be acquired in sufficient quantity and speed, and who is responsible for making this …
As Europe grapples with both skills and labour shortages, EU institutions and national governments are trying to find ways to fill the gaps in Europe’s labour market. This EURACTIV Special Report looks at Europe's challenges in training, attracting and retaining …
In 2017, the European Commission proclaimed the European Pillar of Social Rights, aimed to ensure fair working conditions, social protection and inclusion. How can the the Pillar protect workers’ rights? How can trade unions address new challenges related to working conditions while protecting traditional workers?
After almost eight years of economic crisis in Europe, the discussion for what comes next has been launched.