Food safety

Agrifood 27-01-2020

Innovation, CAP and Green Deal: A tough equation?

Est. 1min

The new Green Deal will have a direct impact on the ongoing negotiations about the post-2020 Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) as EU farmers will be asked to re-adjust the way they work to the new green objectives.

Agrifood 16-10-2019

Biotechnology: Europe’s next ‘hot potato’

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The discussion over the future of biotechnology in Europe heated up after the EU Court ruled in July last year that gene editing should, in principle, fall under the GMO Directive. We focus on the future of biotechnology in Europe, the regulatory framework of the so-called new plant-breeding techniques, as well as GMOs.

Agrifood 30-09-2019

European winemakers grapple with environmental questions

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Proud of their wines, Europeans are also concerned about the industry's widespread use of pesticides, while winemakers themselves will have to adapt to rising temperatures. From Bordeaux to Riesling and Champagne, EURACTIV takes a look at changing wine-making practices.

Agrifood 19-12-2018

Short food supply chains in Europe’s south

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The concept of short food supply chains (SFSC), where intermediaries between farmers and consumers are removed, was introduced in the 2014-2020 CAP and has risen in recent years. According to a study carried out by the European Parliamentary Research Service (EPRS), …