CAP reform

Agrifood 10-02-2023

Integrated pest management: A snapshot of action across the EU

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Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is an ecosystem-based strategy that focuses on managing pests through a combination of techniques applied in order of hierarchy to minimise the use of chemical plant protection products. It is also an important part of the discussion …

Agrifood 08-06-2022

Food security in times of crisis

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In this Event Report, EURACTIV's agrifood team takes a closer look at food security in this time of crisis and the response at the EU level.

Agrifood 04-04-2022

How the Ukraine war is reshaping the CAP

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Between rising prices and fuel shortages, Russia's invasion of Ukraine has turned the EU agrifood sector on its head. To cope with this crisis, the European Commission has asked member states to adapt their Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) national strategic plans …

Agrifood 29-03-2022

Food sovereignty and the war in Ukraine

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Between soaring food prices and feed shortages, the war in Ukraine has rocked the EU's agri-food sector.

Agrifood 22-11-2021

What’s on the ‘horizon’ for agriculture?

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With a budget of €95.5 billion for 2021-2027, Horizon Europe is the largest multiannual budget for an EU research programme, with a 30% increase compared to the previous budget framework, excluding the participation of UK beneficiaries.

Agrifood 26-10-2021

Delivering on CAP strategic plans

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The reform of the EU's Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) aims to have a more flexible, performance- and results-based approach that takes into account local conditions and needs while increasing the level of EU ambitions in terms of sustainability.

Agrifood 20-09-2021

Germany’s roadmap for greener CAP subsidies

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EU countries have been given more freedom than ever to implement national agricultural policies that are more climate and environmentally friendly. But where does Germany stand when it comes to implementing the EU's plans for a greener agriculture?

Agrifood 26-04-2021

(Agri-food) life after Brexit

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After having agreed on the terms of their separation, the EU and the UK are faced with a potential mismatch between the two sides of the Channel when it comes to agriculture and foodstuff. While the EU is rethinking the way …

Agrifood 22-03-2021

Sustainable farming ambitions: between the CAP and the Green Deal

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After years of negotiations, there is finally light at the end of the tunnel for reaching a deal on the reform of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). However, much has changed in the EU policy landscape when it comes to the …

Agrifood 15-12-2020

EU agrifood relations with Africa: what lies ahead?

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The European Union is reshaping its approach to Africa, hoping to promote long-term sustainable food systems and help their people cope with the side-effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Rural innovation

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Rural areas in Europe face particular challenges: lower median income than big cities, lack of social and cultural life, lack of internet infrastructure, and depopulation. By mid-2021, the European Commission wants to articulate a new long-term vision for rural areas, saying they have a special role to play in the transition to a green and sustainable Europe.

Agrifood 30-11-2020

EU agriculture and Mercosur: what is the state of play?

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The entry into force of the Mercosur deal – set to forge a trade area between the EU27 and Mercosur countries, Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay – remains a controversial topic amongst agrifood stakeholders. The deal was struck in 2019, after …

Agrifood 24-09-2020

New terminologies in sustainable food systems

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The recent drive for sustainability has seen the emergence of a number of new terminologies, including agroecology, agroforestry and urban farming. The adoption of these new notions into the sustainability discourse has been rapid and has sometimes made new concepts difficult …

Agrifood 27-04-2020

Circular economy in Spanish agri-food sector

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The Spanish agri-food sector is taking a central role in the uptake of the circular economy, by reusing raw materials and reducing waste in both agriculture and food production.

Agrifood 24-02-2020

How is tech revolutionising the agricultural sector?

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High-tech is gaining ground in the age-old world of agriculture and agricultural innovations have gradually revolutionised work in the fields and on the farm in recent years.

Agrifood 27-01-2020

Innovation, CAP and Green Deal: A tough equation?

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The new Green Deal will have a direct impact on the ongoing negotiations about the post-2020 Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) as EU farmers will be asked to re-adjust the way they work to the new green objectives.

Agrifood 20-01-2020

Bioeconomy in the CAP’s nine objectives

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Bioeconomy will play a crucial role in delivering the European Union's environmental and climate neutrality agenda. The farm sector is no exception and at least half of the nine objectives of the post-2020 EU Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) relate directly to this concept.

Agrifood 16-12-2019

Climate change prevention measures in the new CAP

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The new Common Agricultural Policy of the European Union for 2021-2027 will focus even more on climate and environmental issues. In this Special Report, EURACTIV Poland walks you through some of the main changes this will bring.

Agrifood 18-11-2019

Generational renewal in agriculture

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More than 31% of all farms in the EU are run by farmers older than 65, whilst young farmers represent only 6% of European agricultural community. Reversing this trend is one of the toughest challenges for the main EU farming policy.

Agrifood 30-09-2019

European winemakers grapple with environmental questions

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Proud of their wines, Europeans are also concerned about the industry's widespread use of pesticides, while winemakers themselves will have to adapt to rising temperatures. From Bordeaux to Riesling and Champagne, EURACTIV takes a look at changing wine-making practices.

Agrifood 11-07-2019

The environment in the new CAP

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Greens have strongly criticised the European Commission for what they say is a lack of concern for the environment in its proposals for the post-2020 Common Agricultural Policy.

Agrifood 18-06-2019

The future of EU agriculture innovation

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The next European Parliament and Commission will have to deal with a number of important issues related to the future of the European agricultural sector.

Agrifood 23-04-2019

The bioeconomy in the post-2020 CAP

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Over 18 million people across the EU were employed in the bioeconomy in 2015 – mainly in the agriculture, food and beverage sectors, according to the European Commission's Joint Research Centre.

Agrifood 25-03-2019

Innovation in post-2020 Common Agricultural Policy

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The digitisation of the EU farming sector, necessary to enable it to compete with the rising global competition, has taken centre stage in the discussions over the post-2020 Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). The European Commission has made it clear that providing …