
Certification as a tool to reduce greenhouse gas emissions

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Biofuels are seen as a key means to decarbonise the transport sector, with growing quantities of green fuels set to be used in planes and ships, as well as road transport. In this special report, Euractiv examines the role of biofuel certification schemes.

Railways 02-05-2023

Authorising trains to run on EU tracks

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EU lawmakers are backing trains to cut transport emissions, setting ambitious goals to boost passenger and freight numbers. The European Union Agency for Railways has been assisting train companies to authorise rail vehicles, ensuring new trains can enter service quicker.


Displacing fossil fuels in Europe’s transport sector

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European transport is in a period of transition, as policymakers look for means to rapidly decarbonise the notoriously carbon-intensive sector. Second-generation biofuels have emerged as a popular and cost-effective option to displace fossil fuels in the road transport and maritime sectors, …

Biofuels 24-03-2023

Will biofuels have a role in EU transport decarbonisation?

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Contrary to countries outside Europe, such as Brazil and India, who are scaling up the production of biofuels to decarbonise transport, the European Commission has decided to gradually phase out biofuels, citing environmental concerns.


The path to decarbonising aviation

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The aviation industry is in a period of transformation as passengers and Brussels regulators increasingly demand more sustainable air travel. A mixture of measures are on the table to cut emissions, from ramping up sustainable aviation fuels to greening airports and plotting more efficient routes.


The future of cross-border rail

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As the European Union wants to reduce carbon emissions in transport, shifting transport from trucks and planes to trains plays a crucial role in the strategy. But because rules and technical standards are different across the EU, country borders still …


Reimagining Europe’s transport system

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Europe's transport sector is undergoing a period of profound change, with the climate crisis forcing a rethink of how Europeans get from A to B. In this event report, EURACTIV listens in to discussions on how to create a mobility system fit for the future.


Biofuels’ role in displacing oil

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Biofuels have been touted as a way to partially replace Russian oil without relying on foreign fossil fuel imports, as both ethanol and biodiesel can be blended with petrol and diesel to bulk up supplies. In this special report, EURACTIV explores …


Decarbonising the commercial road transport sector

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Battery electric and hydrogen fuel cell vehicles offer a promising clean alternative for the commercial road transport sector. However, many operators are reluctant to adopt the new technology given the slow rollout of recharging stations across Europe.


‘Road dust’: the lesser-known air pollutant

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The European Union has taken bold steps to cut pollution from cars and trucks, focusing mostly on tailpipe emissions. Yet, non-exhaust emissions also pose a threat to air quality and have received less attention from policymakers. Unlike tailpipe pollution, the switch …

Gas decarbonisation

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The war in Ukraine has triggered a momentous shift in the EU's energy and climate policy, highlighting the urgency of replacing imports of Russian fossil gas with green alternatives, like biomethane and clean hydrogen.

Technology 10-01-2022

How participation and digitalisation can help implement EU democracy

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The ongoing sanitary crisis has highlighted the urgency of improving EU democracy through the implementation of new tools to boost participation. Digitalisation can give a decisive contribution. In this special report, EURACTIV will look at the empowerment of citizens through deliberative …


Green laws and the EU’s road transport sector

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In July, the European Commission unveiled a package of green laws aimed at cutting the EU’s carbon emissions by 55% by 2030. In this special report, EURACTIV looks at the impact the so-called "Fit for 55" package will have on the road transport sector.


Clearing chemical and conventional munitions from the sea

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Tonnes of dangerous chemical and conventional munitions were dumped into Europe’s seas following the end of the world wars, which today pose a serious risk to marine life and seafarers. Lawmakers are pushing the EU to take urgent action to clean up seabeds and ensure Europe's waters are safe from hazards.

Sustainable sourcing of batteries

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The battery market is currently dominated by Asia, but the EU hopes that new laws setting strict green criteria for batteries sold in Europe will boost domestic production and help the continent to stake its place as a global leader.

Climate change 12-07-2021

Forestry and climate change

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The capacity of forests to act as a “carbon sink” – absorbing more CO2 than they emit – is decreasing and needs to be reversed, the European Commission said in September last year when it presented its 2030 climate target plan.

Biofuels 18-05-2021

RED III: Europe’s reality check

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Transport is responsible for 27% of total greenhouse gas emissions in the EU and several pieces of legislation have failed to bring about major changes. The EU executive has already admitted that by 2030, oil will …


Sustainable aviation fuels

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Created from advanced biofuels and renewable electro-fuels, sustainable aviation fuels (SAFs) have the potential to significantly cut airline emissions. They can be blended with kerosene and used in current aircraft without changes to the engine, making them a convenient way to decarbonise flights.


Intelligent transport systems

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Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) are promoted by the European Union as a way to  increase road safety and tackle Europe's growing emission and congestion problems. In this event report, EURACTIV looks at where the EU stands with ITS deployment, and identifies the roadblocks still lying ahead.

Batteries 07-12-2020

Chemicals management: What’s at stake

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The European Commission has published its vision for what the EU's strategy should be over the course of the coming years. It aims to eliminate toxic substances, while respecting the bloc's climate and digital transitions. But the issue is an …

Aviation 02-12-2020

Aviation’s green flight-path in focus

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The aviation industry aims to cut its environmental footprint and contribute to society's shift towards decarbonisation. In order to meet the goals of the Paris Agreement, air travel will have to make emission cuts and now the discussion is focusing on how exactly to do that.

Aviation 09-11-2020

Decarbonising air travel

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The coronavirus may have slashed demand for air travel but a recovery is expected and, with it, extra growth and extra greenhouse gas emissions. Options to make aviation greener exist but sorely need investment and regulatory support to take off in a big way.


The nexus between data and transport

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Digitalisation and the use of data is increasing in various sectors, not least in transport. As the coronavirus looks set to accelerate the meeting of the digital and mobility worlds, policy-makers and legislators will have to make sure it is …

Critical raw materials

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The European Commission has launched a fresh attempt at securing access to minerals like lithium and rare earth elements, saying those will be critical to underpin Europe's growth in digital and green industries.