About: animal welfare

Special ReportNewsAdvocacy Lab Content
Agrifood 30-05-2024

Improve pig welfare standards, demand animal rights advocates

Est. 5min

Pig producers across the EU should deliver higher welfare standards than the EU Pig Directive currently requires, say activists who are now calling for better practices and additional measures to ensure pig welfare.

Agrifood 30-05-2024

NGO calls on EU to ban fast-growing chicken breeds

Est. 4min

Fast-growing broilers must be banned in the European Union for animal welfare reasons, the NGO Eurogroup for Animals said, while representatives of European poultry producers countered that this would necessarily lead to higher prices for consumers and environmental problems.

Agrifood 15-05-2024

After UK ban on live animal exports, NGOs step up pressure on the European Commission

Est. 4min

Following the UK Parliament's approval of a ban on the export of live animals, European NGOs are welcoming this "historic" step forward and urging the EU to follow suit.

Agrifood 13-05-2024

NGOs unite against EU’s rollback of green policies for the agrifood sector

Est. 5min

Hundreds of civil society organisations decried the recent reversal of EU sustainability policies for the bloc’s agrifood sector in an open letter published on May 13.

Special ReportNewsAdvocacy Lab Content
Agrifood 29-04-2024

Ending the ‘Cage Age’ in Europe, feathers to fly in court battle

Est. 6min

Europe’s citizens called for an end to the ‘cage age’ with the phasing-out of cages and crates for farm animals. The European Commission agreed but now says more consultation with farmers is needed. The ECJ will calm the coop.

Agrifood 11-04-2024

Canary Islands government questions sustainability of EU’s first octopus farm project

Est. 5min

The Canary Islands government has requested a more in-depth impact study from the company behind the project to build Europe's first-ever octopus farm, due to uncertainties over the environmental consequences.

Special ReportNewsAdvocacy Lab Content
Health 10-04-2024

Pet ownership is harder, costs are rising, says vet federation VP

Est. 9min

The rising costs of pet food and pet healthcare are making pet ownership harder, says Ann Criel, VP of the Federation of European Companion Animal Veterinary Associations. Euractiv spoke in-depth with Criel at the EU Companion Animals Stakeholder Summit.

Agrifood 27-03-2024

Agri ministers call the Commission to speed up work on animal transport

Est. 3min

European Union agriculture ministers backed on Tuesday (26 March) the European Commission’s initiatives on animal welfare, calling for tougher standards on transport, labelling, and slaughter in the next political mandate.

Agrifood 19-03-2024

EU Parliament committee calls for more support for on-farm slaughter of animals

Est. 4min

Lawmakers on the European Parliament's Agriculture Committee backed the Commission's proposal to give farmers greater flexibility to slaughter animals on the farm and thus reduce the need for animal transport, but called for more assistance.

Agrifood 18-03-2024

Campaigners take legal action against European Commission over animal cages

Est. 3min

The promoters of the citizens’ initiative ‘End the Cage Age’ on Monday (18 March) filed a case at the European Court of Justice against the EU executive for failing to deliver a promised proposal to phase out cages for farm animals by the end of 2023.

Agrifood 14-03-2024

Commission says new rules on animal welfare postponed in name of strategic dialogue

Est. 5min

After tabling just a small part of the promised overhaul of legislation on animal welfare, the Commission told the European Parliament plenary on Thursday (14 March) that a revision must rely on a strategic dialogue with stakeholders.

Special ReportOpinionPromoted content
Agrifood 14-03-2024

EU citizens care about animal welfare, but why is this not being translated into political action?

Est. 6min

Animal welfare is one of those rare issues that is neither left nor right. Across the political spectrum and irrespective of nationality, you’ll always find politicians who care about the plight of animals; it is certainly not the exclusive domain of the Greens and the Left.

Special ReportNewsAdvocacy Lab Content
Agrifood 22-02-2024

Political herds see animal welfare votes in Europe’s elections

Est. 5min

Europe’s 340 million pets are unlikely to swing this year’s European elections, though with cats, one can never be sure. Jennifer Baker looks at Europe’s animal-related policy dynamics and how they could influence June’s electoral mix.

Special ReportAdvocacy Lab Content
Agrifood 21-01-2024

Animal protection – in Europe and beyond

Est. 1min

Animal protection is a rare political topic where people and politicians from across the political spectrum express support for the protection of animals, but the issue is rarely seen as a "deciding factor" for election outcomes.  Despite the perception that Europe …

Agrifood 07-12-2023

Commission tables a fraction of promised animal welfare package

Est. 6min

The European Commission has made proposals for stricter rules on animal transport and pets, but campaigners have lambasted a number of loopholes, while large parts of the originally envisaged animal welfare overhaul have been left to the next mandate.

Agrifood 26-10-2023

Crete to host first European centre for aquatic animal welfare

Est. 3min

The first specialised European Reference Centre for aquatic animals is expected to open in Greece's island of Crete, Greek agriculture minister Lefteris Avgenakis announced after a meeting with EU Health and food safety Commissioner Stella Kyraikides.

Agrifood 16-10-2023

Leaked Commission agenda sounds death knell for missing Farm to Fork files

Est. 4min

A leaked version of the European Commission’s work programme for 2024 lists none of the remaining EU sustainable food files, seemingly confirming stakeholders’ worst fears that these proposals will not see the light of day before next June's EU elections. 

Agrifood 03-10-2023

Commission still evasive on timeline of EU’s food agenda missing pieces

Est. 6min

The parliamentary hearing to award the Green Deal portfolio to European Commission vice-president Maroš Šefčovič did not offer much clarity on the timeline of the remaining pieces of legislation of the Farm to Fork, the EU's flagship sustainable food policy.

Agrifood 19-09-2023

‘Finally’: EU agriculture ministers welcome von der Leyen’s strategic dialogue

Est. 5min

A number of EU agriculture ministers expressly welcomed the idea of a strategic dialogue on agriculture put forth by European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, though some lamented that it was not started earlier in the mandate.

Agrifood 14-09-2023

Commission chief envisages change of tack on EU farming policy

Est. 6min

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen gave no reassurances on finalising the missing pieces of the EU's flagship sustainable food policy in her annual State of the Union address on Wednesday (13 September), instead proposing a change of course in the current agri-food debate.

Agrifood 12-09-2023

EU needs a Commissioner for animal welfare, says Green MEP

Est. 5min

Animal welfare should be explicitly mentioned in the title of a Commissioner in the next legislative mandate to make it a priority of the next EU executive and avoid the risks of having more animal testing in Europe, according to Green MEP Tilly Metz.

OpinionPromoted content
Agrifood 07-09-2023

Open Letter: 637 stakeholders call on Ursula von der Leyen to publish animal welfare proposals in current political term

Est. 4min

The current animal welfare legislation is outdated and in need of an urgent update to respond to societal expectations and scientific evidence. The European Commission should stay true to its commitment to publish this proposal.

Agrifood 06-09-2023

MEPs want Commission chief to set EU animal welfare revision as a priority

Est. 3min

A group of more than 100 European Parliament lawmakers have formally asked Commission President Ursula von der Leyen to announce the promised overhaul of the EU's animal welfare legislation as a pending priority, in a bid to present it before her mandate ends next year.

Agrifood 21-08-2023

Will the EU achieve its green farming ambitions before the 2024 elections?

Est. 8min

With the European elections around the corner, it is crunch time for determining the legacy of the Green Deal for agriculture and food policy, as lawmakers scramble to rescue the climate-protecting credentials of this legislative mandate.