
Special ReportNewsAdvocacy Lab Content

Europe’s wind power targets ‘back on track’

Est. 4min

Europe’s wind power installations must produce 37 gigawatts annually to keep the EU on track towards its 2030 renewables goal. Build-out rates are far lower than needed, coming in at 17 GW total for 2023. Can the industry catch up?

Germany risks missing its 2030 offshore wind target, industry warns

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Germany’s offshore wind energy targets are at risk amid lagging construction rates and grid connection delays, prompting industry calls for additional government support.

Renewables roll-out in France too slow to meet EU targets – report

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France is lagging behind its initial renewable energy targets for 2023, although it is set to pick up the pace by 2030, but not enough to meet EU targets, the latest figures from the French Renewable Energy Observatory published on Thursday (25 January) show.

€400bn needed for offshore grids by 2050, network operators say

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Europe’s first-ever Offshore Network Development Plan, published on Tuesday (23 January), highlights the huge investment needed to connect offshore wind farms to final consumers, with an estimated 54,000 kilometres of transmission assets expected to be built in European waters by 2050 – almost 1.5 times the equator’s length.

EU built record new wind farms last year but lags green energy goal

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European Union countries built 17 gigawatts of new wind power farms in 2023, the most for any year so far, but still not enough to reach its renewable energy goal, industry data showed on Friday (12 January).

IEA renewables report 2023: Europe’s growth becoming solar success story

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The International Energy Agency (IEA) is forecasting a 61% share for renewable electricity in Europe by 2028, partly due to an unprecedented surge of previously unforeseen solar panel installations.

Politics 22-12-2023

Romanian government approves offshore wind law for Black Sea power plants

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On Thursday, the Romanian government approved a bill to make it easier to harness the Black Sea’s abundant offshore wind energy.

26 countries sign ‘European Wind Charter’ to shield EU industry

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All EU countries except Hungary have signed a joint declaration to protect Europe's wind industry from “unfair trade practices” coming from Chinese manufacturers.

Support for renewable energy lowest in France, Germany

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Nearly every second citizen in Germany and France is either negative towards renewable energies or does not have an opinion on them, according to a recent survey conducted across 26 European countries.

The growing role of non-price criteria in offshore wind auctions

Est. 6min

An increasing number of EU member states are adopting non-price criteria in their offshore wind auction designs, write Vasilios Anatolitis, Julia Panny, Malte Gephart, and Pia Weckenbrock. But while non-price criteria can support a wide range of policy objectives, their design and implementation come with challenges, they caution.

Climate change 02-12-2023

Global coalition pledges to triple renewables, double energy efficiency improvements

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118 countries – China and India not included – have signed up to a pledge to triple their renewable energy capacity and double their rate of energy efficiency improvements by 2030.

Brussels readies ‘trade instruments’ to protect EU’s struggling wind industry

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The European Commission is considering to use its "trade instruments" as the EU's wind industry continues to struggle with fierce compeition from China, high raw material prices, rising interest rates, and slow permit-granting processes.

Brussels launches scheme to aid beleaguered wind turbine makers

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The European Commission has put forward a package of non-binding measures designed to aid the bloc’s beleaguered wind turbine makers, who are under pressure from cheaper competitors abroad.

LEAK: Brussels finalises ‘wind power package’ to help beleaguered EU industry

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The European Commission is planning to table a European Wind Power Package on Tuesday (24 October), aiming to strengthen the EU’s wind industry by solving the challenges it is facing, according to leaked drafts seen by Euractiv.

EU countries lagging behind on wind energy goals, WWF warns

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Current wind energy deployment rates in European countries are not aligned with the EU's climate change targets, according to a report published on Thursday (5 October) by the nature conservation NGO WWF.

Politics 04-10-2023

Construction of first energy island off Belgian coast to start in 2024

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Planning permission has been granted for the world’s first energy island project in the North Sea, with work due to start in early 2024, grid operator Elia announced on Tuesday.

Politics 21-09-2023

France must triple renewable power capacities by 2035, says grid operator

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To meet its EU targets, France will need to triple its use of renewable power and reduce its energy consumption by a third by 2035, France’s electricity grid operator RTE said in its 2030-2035 energy outlook.

EU lawmakers pass bill hiking renewable energy targets

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The European Parliament gave its final approval on Tuesday (12 September) to legally binding targets to expand renewable energy faster this decade, a central part of Europe's plans to curb climate change and shift away from fossil fuels.

Can nature and offshore wind farms work in harmony?

Est. 6min

Protecting our planet means taking urgent action on building clean energy and supporting vibrant ecosystems. The two ambitions can be compatible, but this requires collaboration, writes Kate Wallace-Lockhart.

BP, Total win in €12.6 billion German offshore wind site tender

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Oil majors BP and TotalEnergies emerged as the winners in a 7 gigawatt (GW) offshore wind site auction in Germany worth €12.6 billion, highlighting the appeal of renewable assets across Europe.

Electricity 27-06-2023

Germany outlines plan to expand, digitalise power grids

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The digitalisation of distribution grids is one of the main priorities of the German Federal Network Agency, which presented ambitious plans on Monday (26 June) for the expansion of the country's electricity grid.

France looks to hike offshore wind target above 40 GW

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France's targets for offshore wind power development would "probably" have to be revised upwards, Energy Transition Minister Agnès Pannier-Runacher said on Tuesday (20 June), noting that these would be in line with a working paper published by the Prime Minister's office on 13 June.

Renewable energy directive: Three key measures to speed up deployment

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The EU’s updated renewable energy directive includes numerous measures to fast-track projects. Meeting the EU’s updated 2030 target for renewables will now require swift implementation by EU Member States, write Marian Bons and Agustin Roth. Marian Bons and Agustin Roth are …

Politics 01-06-2023

Danish state to own 20% of planned offshore wind farms

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The Danish state will take a 20% stake in planned wind farms that could supply a total of 14 million households, according to a new tender agreement that has left some sceptical.