Euractiv Est. 1min 23-12-2021 (updated: 07-04-2022 ) [SHUTTERSTOCK] Euractiv is part of the Trust Project >>> Print Email Facebook X LinkedIn WhatsApp Telegram Between climate change, food insecurity, poverty, and environmental degradation, agriculture in Africa faces many challenges. To rise to these, African farmers are increasingly looking to implement climate-smart agricultural practices. Climate-smart agriculture (CSA) is an integrated approach to managing landscape, including cropland, livestock, forests and fisheries, that addresses the interlinked challenges of food security and accelerating climate change. In this Event Report, EURACTIV looks at the latest technological innovations that can help inspire and encourage the large-scale adoption of CSA and accelerate the transformation of Africa’s agriculture into a more sustainable and profitable sector. Download PDF Boosting climate smart agriculture through access to ripping technology News | Agrifood 23-12-2021 Est. 5minWith soil health high on the policy agenda, EURACTIV took a look at how advances in tractor technology can help boost climate-smart agriculture and promote no-till agriculture through the lens of a project in East Africa. IFAD: EU’s food sovereignty is Africa’s shot to boost agricultural growth Interview | Agrifood 16-02-2022 Est. 7minEurope’s push to decrease over-reliance on third-country food production is unavoidable due to the pandemic. Still, it could come in handy for encouraging African domestic production, according to the president of the UN’s Rome-based International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD). Matching farmers to innovation in Africa makes communities resilient to climate change Opinion | Promoted content 06-01-2022 Est. 7minOn the frontline of climate change, farmers across Africa face huge challenges to their livelihoods. But EU supported projects show what can be achieved when we matchmake these farmers with innovations farmers from the private sector. Rhys Bucknall-Williams is a Global Communications …