Euractiv Est. 1min 24-06-2021 (updated: 02-07-2021 ) [SHUTTERSTOCK] Euractiv is part of the Trust Project >>> Print Email Facebook X LinkedIn WhatsApp Telegram While livestock farmers already use a range of innovative tools and technologies to help ease their workload, new precision livestock farming technologies go a step further, paving the way for a digital transformation in animal health. From detection and monitoring tools, to vaccines technologies, these cutting edge technologies are set to become essential tools in the future to support farmers in optimising animal care, while ensuring better traceability and reducing environmental impacts. But sustainable use of such technologies requires a high level of farmer skills and management to maximise their potential. As such, tomorrow’s farmers need support to reap the benefits of these technologies. In this event report, EURACTIV focuses on the next generation of Europe’s livestock farmers and what is needed for them to be able to innovate to meet the sustainability demands on the sector. Download PDF Restoring pride top priority for Generation Z farmers News | Agrifood 02-07-2021 Est. 6minGeneration Z - those born between 1997 and 2015 - is faced with the future farming paradox: it is an exciting time to be a farmer with many opportunities opened up by innovation, but a farmer's life has never been so complicated. Agricultural education too ‘stale’ for tomorrow’s farmers, says expert News | Agrifood 24-06-2021 Est. 4minAgricultural education is “stale” and in need of a shake-up to help tomorrow's farmers meet the challenges ahead, according to a leading veterinary consultant and educator, Tommy Heffernan, who said the sector is facing a decade of "massive change". Technological advances in animal health can support young farmers with ecological practices Opinion | Stakeholder Opinion | Agrifood 10-06-2021 Est. 4minFor many decades, policies for agriculture, research and development, education and training, and consumer demands have influenced the use of technology in farming as well as farm practices. Roxane Feller is the Secretary-General of AnimalhealthEurope. Previously farmers looked to new technologies and …