Fit for 55

"We're going to have to pay for the decarbonised economy with the carbon economy" advocates European Parliament Transport Committee Chair Karima Delli
Future of mobility 07-06-2024

Outgoing EU parliament transport chair Karima Delli talks trains, planes and automobiles

Est. 5min

Set to bid farewell to the European Parliament after three successive terms, French Green MEP and chair of the Transport Committee Karima Delli told Euractiv that the biggest achievement of her time there is bringing transport high on the agenda.

Climate change 23-05-2024

France cuts emissions by 5.8% in 2023: Politicians celebrate, NGOs sceptical

Est. 3min

Politicians have been quick to celebrate France's 5.8% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions in 2023 from a year earlier, but environmental NGOs questioned whether the progress can be sustained without additional policy measures.

NewsAdvocacy Lab Content
Biofuels 09-05-2024

Biofuels election promise, a renewed mandate for renewables

Est. 7min

Voters deeply concerned with living costs and climate change are being offered a voice by the European Biodiesel Board, it's calling for a balanced, inclusive, and affordable climate policy in line with the EU’s net zero by 2050 goal.

Energy 07-03-2024

Departing from coal: Poland’s new energy roadmap

Est. 4min

The election of a new government in Poland has enabled this Central European country to revive its ambitions in terms of energy transition and to meet European targets.

Next EU legislative term must reconcile climate and industry, says French think tank

Est. 6min

Équilibre des énergies (EdEn), a French think tank, issued its recommendations for the next EU term of office (2024-2029). In exclusivity for Euractiv France, the group stresses the need for a European industrial strategy that is properly geared towards the climate and the economy, rather than a collection of targets.

The EU’s 2040 climate targets and strategy must prioritise farmers

Est. 7min

The EU is already struggling to meet its 2030 climate and energy targets, so it needs to put farmers as well as the social and environmental benefits first in order to project itself forward to 2040, write Zsolt Lengyel and Erica Johnson.

Aviation 24-01-2024

EU targets for greener flights at risk amid lack of investment 

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In a rare show of unity, environmental organisations and oil companies have both warned that the EU’s targets for green jet fuels are in danger of being missed as investment into the production of synthetic fuels is so far not materialising.

Buildings 12-10-2023

European Parliament wants fair, flexible approach to efficient buildings law

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Building renovations, like those encouraged under the draft Energy Performance of Buildings directive, are key to improving people's well-being and reducing emissions, but they must be flexible and rolled out with social safeguards, writes Ciarán Cuffe.

EU reaches deal on exit schedule from climate-wrecking F-gases

Est. 4min

Lawmakers in Brussels have agreed on the dates by which heat pumps and electrical equipment must ditch fluorinated gases and switch to more climate-friendly alternatives.

Berlin considers slashing electricity tax by 95% to boost heat pump uptake

Est. 3min

Germany may slash electricity taxes to near-nothing amid flagging heat pump sales, a move backed by liberal and conservative politicians as well as the renewable energy lobby.

Politics 15-09-2023

E-fuels for new combustion cars must be 100% climate neutral: EU Commission draft

Est. 3min

E-fuels must be climate-neutral for new vehicles with combustion engines to be sold after 2035, according to a new draft regulation – which resolves an internal dispute within the EU Commission – seen by Euractiv.

Germany adopts watered-down fossil boiler ban for 2028

Est. 5min

The German parliament adopted on Friday (8 September) a controversial ban on new fossil heaters starting from 2028 at the latest, following months of government infighting and an injunction by the country’s top court.

F-gas revision: far more than a climate victory for Europe

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Swiftly banning fluorinated gases (F-gases) will not only significantly curb the EU's climate impact, but also reduce its dependence on critical raw materials, and result in substantial savings for EU households, especially in the transition to decarbonised heating, writes Davide Sabbadin.

EU deal on F-gases delayed by dispute on heat pumps, timeline

Est. 6min

Negotiations on an EU law to crack down on planet-warming fluorinated gases have hit a snag, amid pressure from some EU countries and parts of industry to secure carve-outs for heat pumps.

Why Austria has yet to pass its 2023 boiler ban

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Austria's heating law, which aimed to ban new fossil-fuel heaters from 2023, has been stuck in parliament for months as the government has yet to obtain the necessary backing from the centre-left SPÖ. 

Politics 15-06-2023

Slovakia’s gap in heat pump subsidies could ‘lose a year’ of progress

Est. 3min

Households in Slovakia postpone replacing their old fossil fuel boilers with greener heat pumps due to a six-month subsidy lag during a crucial period before the heating season, said Petra Čakovská of the Slovak consumer group SOS.

Boiler wars: German spat over fossil heating ban comes to Brussels

Est. 5min

A proposed EU-wide ban on new fossil heating systems as of 2029 is hanging in the balance as a German spat over boilers spilld over into Brussels, presenting European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen with a tough choice. 

Four key hurdles for would-be owners of heat pumps in Europe

Est. 6min

Consumers looking to switch to heat pumps today face challenges like complicated permits, dubious installers and a tax system that favours gas over electricity.

Key EU lawmaker: Europe ‘needs to stay ahead of the game’ on heat pump manufacturing

Est. 11min

Natural refrigerants like propane are the way forward to replace climate-warming fluorinated gases in heat pumps, Green EU lawmaker Bas Eickhout argues in an interview with EURACTIV.

500,000 missing workers: Heat pump industry looks to attract more women

Est. 5min

Heat pumps are slated to transform Europe’s heating sector, a process that has laid bare a skilled workers gap that industry and governments are aiming to fill by boosting female participation in the workforce.

Heat pumps: Gearing up for the boom years

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Est. 1min

The heat pump industry is entering a transformative decade, with major producers jostling for market share, consumers angling for state support and EU governments aiming to nurture the bloc's nascent industry while meeting climate goals.

Europe’s ‘heat pump valley’ takes root in the East

Est. 6min

A global race has started to manufacture the millions of heat pumps needed to decarbonise heating, with Asian and East European countries taking a head start.

Naturally cool: Europe set to lead a climate revolution with refrigerants

Est. 6min

EU lawmakers' push to phase down fluorinated gases may score the most significant climate victory of the decade and rid Europe's heat pump market of China’s imports, argues Davide Sabbaddin.

German government adopts fossil boiler ban, starting 2024

Est. 4min

The German government has adopted a law that would see new fossil heating installations banned from 2024, following a month-long row over the level of state support and pushback from business-friendly FDP lawmakers.