Climate change

Global Europe 12-06-2024

G7 cooperation with China on climate-aligned trade is vital

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G7 countries should work with China to put in place climate-aligned trade policies needed to accelerate global climate action, by harnessing the power of international trade to promote innovation, reduce costs, and stimulate demand for green goods, write Matt Piotrowski and Joseph Dellatte.

NewsAdvocacy Lab Content

Forest risk management needs better data monitoring, say experts

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Natural disasters prompted by climate change are putting pressure on EU forest resilience, but the bloc’s Forest Monitoring Law could help forest owners, researchers, policymakers and civil society address these risks.

Special ReportAdvocacy Lab Content

Local action spearheading climate resilience – a special report

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In the face of escalating ecological, social, economic, and political challenges threatening life on Earth, a European network championing community-led climate change and sustainability initiatives has evolved.


EU Commission strengthens Europe’s crisis response abilities

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In response to a growing number of emergencies - particularly climate-related disasters - the European Commission is looking for better coordination and new tools to strengthen the bloc's crisis-response abilities.


Healthy trees play a crucial role in mitigating climate change

Forests, trees and wood have always played a critical role for humanity and our future is intertwined with theirs. The coming years will reveal whether we manage to restore a most sustainable relationship with them and secure healthy forests for future generations.

The climate movement has developed a heightened awareness of the need to look beyond policy processes in the climate and energy fields, and also focus on the necessary systemic change that addresses the interconnectedness of economic, environmental and societal crises.

Europe’s climate movement continues to evolve and grow

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Ahead of the 2019 European Elections, young climate activists took to the streets in all corners of our continent to demand urgent climate action from the EU. The combination of advocacy efforts and grassroot movements catalysed a transformative green wave across Europe that was marked by the election of many climate protectors to the European Parliament.


EU approves law to hit gas imports with methane emissions limit

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EU countries approved a law on Monday (27 May) to impose methane emissions limits on Europe's oil and gas imports from 2030, pressuring international suppliers to cut leaks of the potent greenhouse gas.

Neither record-breaking global temperatures nor threats to the Green Deal have been enough to motivate climate protestors to hit the streets en mass.

Europe’s missing climate marches

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Ahead of the 2019 European Parliament elections, Europe was rocked by massive climate marches. But as the 2024 elections approach, the streets remain silent.


Climate change spurs early blooms in Bulgaria’s historic rose industry

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Bulgarian farmers were busy harvesting rose petals for their renowned oil this week, about a month earlier than the historical norm due to climate change that has ushered in warmer and more humid springs.


France cuts emissions by 5.8% in 2023: Politicians celebrate, NGOs sceptical

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Politicians have been quick to celebrate France's 5.8% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions in 2023 from a year earlier, but environmental NGOs questioned whether the progress can be sustained without additional policy measures.

Eickhout said that “a strong Europe on industry” and “the continuation of the Green Deal” have to be core for the next European Commission, otherwise “I don't see any viable majority possible” in the Parliament [File photo]

Green’s Bas Eickhout battles far right while facing electoral challenge from the centre

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While Green co-lead candidate Bas Eickhout laments the politicisation of climate change by the far right, the main electoral threat may come from centrist-parties in north-west Europe.

Economy 14-05-2024

Europe Ahead: ECR’s Hoogeveen on why EU needs ‘deregulation’

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Europe should deregulate its economy and “develop a culture of private investment” similar to the US, the vice chair of the European Parliament's Committee of Economic and Monetary Affairs told Euractiv in an interview.


Polish farmers march against ‘green poison’ EU climate change rules

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Thousands of protesters marched through the streets of the Polish capital Warsaw on Friday (10 May) to show their opposition to European Union environmental regulations that farmers say are driving them out of business.


Brazil floods death toll rises to 90, dozens still stranded

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Rescuers rushed to evacuate people stranded by devastating floods across the southern Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul on Tuesday (7 May), with 90 reported dead and desperate survivors seeking food and basic supplies.


World’s record-breaking temperature streak extends through April

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The world just experienced its hottest April on record, extending an 11-month streak in which every month set a temperature record, the European Union's climate change monitoring service said on Wednesday (8 May).


Air France, Lufthansa Group airlines part of EU greenwashing probe

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Air France, its Dutch arm KLM, Norwegian and several Lufthansa Group airlines are among 20 carriers being investigated by the European Union for potential greenwashing, the companies said on Thursday (2 May).

Cutting contrails is the quickest, cheapest path for the airline industry to reduce its climate impact.
Aerospace 02-05-2024

Contrails – Plane to see

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Contrails, as these stripes are called, are caused by jet engine exhaust. They are worse for the climate than aviation’s CO2 emissions. Cutting contrails is the quickest, cheapest path for the airline industry to reduce its climate impact.

Special ReportNewsAdvocacy Lab Content

Wimbledon aims to serve environmental ace

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Wimbledon, the only Grand Slam still played on grass, is intent on becoming genuinely green. Organisers of the event have set ambitious, clear goals on how to achieve that. Their game plan is all about taking a high level view.


EU report: 91% of cities look to nature-based solutions in face of climate change

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A new report by the European Environment Agency finds that almost all European cities are turning to nature-based solutions to mitigate the effects of climate change.


Energy taxation directive: No progress expected before EU elections

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Despite the presentation of a new compromise text to national governments on Thursday (April 25), no serious progress is expected on the revision of the energy taxation directive before the next term of the EU Parliament and Commission.

Macron at Sorbonne: Energy key to French president’s ‘new European paradigm’

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French President Emmanuel Macron set out his vision for the future of Europe, placing energy, including nuclear, at the core of his approach, in a speech at Sorbonne University on Thursday (April 25).

Economy 24-04-2024

Over half of world’s largest private firms fails to set net-zero emissions targets

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Only 40 of the world's 100 largest private firms have set net-zero carbon emissions targets to fight climate change, according to a report released Monday, lagging far behind public companies.


Macron’s billion trees target leaves scientists and NGOs sceptical

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French President Emmanuel Macron has pledged to plant one billion trees in France over 10 years, but environmentalists and researchers question whether this programme will achieve its stated biodiversity and climate objectives.

high EV production costs in Europe means the bloc will have to rely on cheap imports, mainly from China, if it sticks to the 2035 goal.

EU’s 2050 net zero goals at risk as EV rollout faces setbacks

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By Julia Payne

BRUSSELS, April 22 (Reuters) - The EU needs to rethink its policies to make a 2035 ban on new petrol car sales feasible as electric vehicles (EVs) remain unaffordable and alternative fuel options are not credible, the EU's external auditor said, jeopardising its 2050 climate goals.

The 27-member bloc wants to achieve net zero emissions by 2050, meaning it will emit no more than it can balance out with measures to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere such as reforestation programmes.

It hopes to meet its targets with the widespread use of electric vehicles as road transport accounts for nearly a quarter of its emissions.

The EU wants to have at least 30 million zero-emission cars on European roads by 2030, or about 12% of the current car fleet. However, the European Court of Auditors (ECA) cautioned the bloc may create new economic dependencies and hurt its own industry.

As it stands, high EV production costs in Europe means the bloc will have to rely on cheap imports, mainly from China, if it sticks to the 2035 goal. China accounts for 76% of EV battery output compared with the EU that represents less than 10% of production globally.

"The EU faces a conundrum, how to meet goals without harming industrial policy and hurting consumers," Annemie Turtelboom, an ECA member, told reporters. She added that 2026 will be a key year for a policy review.

Tesla is the leading EV maker in the United States and Europe but has come under pressure to slash prices due to competition from Chinese cars. Similarly, European carmakers like Stellantis that owns Peugeot and Fiat, and Renault are now racing to develop their own affordable EV models.

While EV purchases have been on the rise in the EU, the increase was largely due to subsidies. Further, charging infrastructure is lacking with 70% of charging points concentrated in just Germany, France and the Netherlands. The EU is falling short of its aim to set up 1 million charging stations across the bloc.

"(EV) prices would need to halve and subsidies do not seem to be a viable tool ... Batteries alone already costs 15,000 euros when produced in Europe," Turtleboom added when speaking to reporters.

Alternative fuels like biofuels, e-fuels or hydrogen remain uneconomic at commercial scale.

Adding to the difficulties in hitting its 2050 goal, the ECA said the EU has not cut real CO2 emissions from cars despite new testing standards and measures such as Euro 6.

In a January report, the ECA attributes this to the gap between laboratory tests and real world emission tests. The Commission was relying on lab tests, which created a skewed version. In reality, average emissions from diesel cars are the unchanged from 2010 at 170 grams of CO2 per kilometre while petrol cars are just down 4.6% at over 160 g CO2/km.

"Despite lofty ambitions and strict requirements, most conventional cars still emit as much CO2 as 12 years ago." Nikolaos Milionis, ECA member, said in a statement, attributing part of the failure to a rise in the average weight of cars. (Reporting by Julia Payne; editing by David Evans)


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