Future Connectivity

Special ReportNewsAdvocacy Lab Content

New tech coalition CODE is growing a digital ecosystem to boost EU growth

Est. 7min

The Coalition for Open Digital Ecosystems (CODE), recently held its first public event in Brussels, with Qualcomm and Meta headlining. The technology coalition is emerging as a serious new stakeholder in the Brussels digital, tech, and competition policy space.

Special ReportNewsAdvocacy Lab Content
Technology 11-04-2024

Europe’s Tech Com future. Orange election manifesto seeks true market connectivity in the Digital Age

Est. 7min

Telecoms giant Orange has published a manifesto for the European elections, urging lawmakers to pursue a fully functioning Single Market in the Digital Decade. Orange explains how the EU can become the best place to live in the Digital Age.

Special ReportAdvocacy Lab Content

Creating true connectivity for Europe’s Digital Age in an election year  

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Est. 1min

Europe’s telecoms industry wants a fully functioning Single Market in the Digital Decade firmly on the 2024 political agenda. This special report series examines how Europe can become the best place to live in the Digital Age.

Global Europe 15-03-2023

Satellite constellations multiply on profit hopes, geopolitics

Est. 4min

The massive constellation of satellites operated by SpaceX, while still growing, will soon be joined in low Earth orbit by many more commercial competitors, but also government-sponsored programs.

OpinionPromoted content
Internet governance 31-05-2022

Enabling the Enablers: A Path to Europe’s Green Transition

Est. 6min

As ICT companies prepare for the future of connectivity, they remain mindful of our planet’s future. Forward-looking regulatory instruments, with a technology neutral approach to green transitions, will enable the enablers. Learn more during our fourth Digital Debate Series event.


Court halts Starlink’s deployment in France

Est. 3min

France's highest administrative court has stripped Starlink, SpaceX's satellite internet constellation, of its frequency authorisations, ruling they were granted without public consultation despite its potential "significant market impact". EURACTIV France reports.

Eastern Europe 23-09-2021

Digital connectivity can fix the EU’s faltering Eastern Partnership

Est. 4min

Relations between the EU and its eastern neighbours a going backwards. But a combination of renegotiated trade agreements and digital connectivity could reverse the tide, writes Dan Dalton.


Health crisis pushes EU into era of digital education 

Est. 4min

The European Commission has laid out plans to boost the education of citizens in digital skills across the bloc, as part of a drive that it hopes will aid Europe's long-term economic stability while the continent rebounds from the after-effects of the coronavirus crisis.

Energy 17-09-2020

Finnish industries launch ‘game-changing’ bid to go green, digital

Est. 5min

A consortium of twelve Finnish corporations calling themselves the "game-changers" have announced a new billion-euro offensive to build new digital infrastructure, saying the digital transition will be key to achieve green objectives after the COVID-19 crisis.


‘Geopolitical’ Europe aims to extend its digital sovereignty from China

Est. 6min

The European Commission intends to act as a strong geopolitical player at next week's EU-China video meeting. But to do so, Europe must extend its 'digital sovereignty', also with regards to China. EURACTIV Germany reports.


Gabriel outlines key areas for EU digital education action plan

Est. 6min

Developing digital competencies across the EU as well as promoting gender equality in the bloc's digital economy are two key areas that the European Commission will seek to foster as part of the forthcoming revamped Digital Education Action Plan, the EU's Innovation and Research Commissioner Mariya Gabriel has said.


Commission in bid to ensure ‘70% of EU adults’ have digital skills

Est. 5min

The European Commission has laid out ambitious new goals for upskilling and reskilling its citizens by 2025, including the objective of ensuring that 70% of the EU adult population has basic digital skills.

Economy 29-06-2020

The new ERA must do more for gender equality

Est. 5min

As we slowly emerge from the coronavirus outbreak in Europe, one thing is clear – it has brought to the front various aspects of gender equality issues in Research and Innovation (R&I), writes Marcela Linkova.

Economy 24-06-2020

Lack of strategy leaves Bulgaria last in terms of digital performance

Est. 6min

For a second consecutive year, Bulgaria is ranked last among all 27 EU members in the European Commission’s Digital Economy and Society Index, despite having a powerful IT sector, concentrated mostly in the capital Sofia.

Technology 11-06-2020

MEP: Europe’s digital education strategy is key to future recovery

Est. 9min

As part of the European Commission's recently revised long-term budget proposal, an increased outlay could go towards the digital up-skilling and re-skilling of citizens. EURACTIV caught up with MEP Victor Negrescu to talk about why this issue has risen to the top of the EU agenda.

Technology 09-06-2020

Connecting Europe’s forgotten regions

Est. 8min

As part of a raft of commitments to be announced by the European Council today (9 June), EU member states will renew their commitment to bridging the gap across Europe's connectivity divides, as certain territories on the continent continue to be isolated from more developed parts of the bloc.

5G 09-06-2020

Finnish telecom operators share new 5G spectrum, as Nokia boosts broadband business

Est. 4min

Finnish telecom operators Telia, Elisa and Telenor-owned DNA all won frequencies at the country’s auction of new high-speed 5G mobile networks on Monday, the Ministry of Transport and Communications said.

Economy 05-06-2020

Changes in education as a result of COVID-19 crisis are here to stay, experts say

Est. 5min

As lockdown measures are relaxed and schools reopen across Europe, EURACTIV has interviewed experts on whether the pandemic could have a long-lasting impact on education systems in Europe, and they said changes are here to stay.

China 04-06-2020

UK in 5G talks with suppliers from Japan, South Korea

Est. 2min

British officials have discussed supplies of 5G networking equipment with companies in South Korea and Japan as part of a bid to develop alternatives to China's Huawei Technologies Co Ltd, a person with knowledge of the matter told Reuters.

5G 03-06-2020

Combat 5G COVID-19 fake news, urges Europe

Est. 2min

European Union (EU) nations banking on 5G to boost economic growth are eager to tackle conspiracy theories linking the wireless technology to the spread of the novel coronavirus that have seen masts torched in several places.

Technology 29-05-2020

Commission sets sights on digital-savvy citizens 

Est. 6min

The European Commission has reiterated the importance of up-skilling adults and young people across the bloc, in order to make European workers more agile in the post-coronavirus digital economy. Speaking as part of an event hosted by Digital Europe on Thursday …

Economy 22-05-2020

Helping disengaged young people in times of pandemic

Est. 5min

A European-wide project was supporting young disengaged when the COVID-19 outbreak started. EURACTIV has spoken to the organizers about how they adapted to challenging circumstances. 

5G 14-05-2020

In Germany’s new 5G security criteria, SPD sees a “blunt sword”

Est. 4min

The German Interior Ministry wants to check whether manufacturers of 5G components are trustworthy. For SPD digital politician Falko Mohrs, this does not go far enough. He demands a political security check, fed with secret service information. EURACTIV Germany reports.

Broadband 11-05-2020

German-German dispute over fibre optic funding to be decided in Brussels

Est. 5min

The European Commission is examining German plans to support the fibre optic industry. The Christian Democrat (CDU/CSU) parliamentary group asked for early approval, while the fixed network industry association BREKO is opposed to the measures. EURACTIV Germany has seen both letters.