Just transition

A new scheme introduced in Iceland this year requires electric car drivers to pay a tiny kilometre fee of 4cts per kilometre.
Electric vehicles 22-05-2024

As transport electrifies, governments can still make up for lost fuel duty revenues

Est. 5min

Loss of fuel duty could cost governments billions in tax revenues. William Todts, executive director at T&E, explains why, even as an environmentalist, we should be taxing electric cars

Economy 07-03-2024

All eyes on Italy, France as swing states on ‘heavily’ revised EU supply-chain law

Est. 6min

Italian and French envoys are set to hold the fate of the EU corporate due diligence law (CSDDD) in their hands on Friday (8 March), when representatives from the bloc’s 27 member states vote on a new, heavily diluted version of the draft legislation.

Economy 19-12-2023

Giving workers a voice reduces populism, eases transitions, says foundation director

Est. 4min

Allowing workers to engage with their company’s management and make a meaningful impact at the plant level has a multiplier effect that boosts democracy and Europe’s green and digital transitions according to the Hans-Böckler Foundation, which focuses on codetermination. The managing …

Economy 01-12-2023

Taxing the rich isn’t radical – not taxing them is

Est. 9min

Welcome to Euractiv’s weekly Economy Brief. You can subscribe to the newsletter here. The new European Citizens’ initiative, which seeks to implement a European wealth tax to support the green transition comes with a healthy dose of EU …

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Economy 09-10-2023

Codetermination from an economic perspective

Est. 6min

Today entire business models are under pressure and companies are testing new product portfolios in new technological directions. This analysis applies to the automotive and supplier industries in particular. Dr. Daniel Hay is the Academic Director of the Institute for …

Economy 31-07-2023

‘Bidenomics’ ties social conditionalities to industrial policy, but EU hasn’t followed suit

Est. 5min

With its so-called Bidenomics, the US is leading the way in linking subsidies to social conditionalities, an approach that the EU has both criticised due to its impacts on competition and been reluctant to integrate into its industrial policy.

Economy 04-07-2023

France must do more to cut down debt, Court of Auditors chief urges

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France’s debt reduction plan must be more ambitious than what’s already been laid out, French Court of Auditors President and former European Commissioner Pierre Moscovici told EURACTIV France in an interview, warning that the country’s public finances were in a particularly poor state.

Global Europe 22-06-2023

To tackle the climate crisis, finances need to go hand in hand with action

Est. 6min

All countries are vulnerable to the impacts of a changing climate. But their vulnerabilities are very different, with varying consequences on people, economics and the environment, writes Jorge Moreira da Silva.

Economy 07-03-2023

German workers want green transition, but not with lower pay

Est. 5min

German workers support the transition towards climate neutrality, but do not want to move to a different place or obtain a job with lower pay for it, a new survey found.

Economy 03-03-2023

Commissioner: New European Works Council proposal by end of 2023

Est. 4min

In an interview with EURACTIV, EU Commissioner for Jobs and Social Rights Nicolas Schmit announced that the Commission would come forward with a legislative proposal to amend the European Works Council (EWC) Directive by the end of 2023. This comes in …

Economy 28-02-2023

French minister: EU must do away with ‘industrial and ecological naivety’

Est. 6min

As the EU sets up its response to the US Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), French industry minister Roland Lescure told EURACTIV that Europe is on the cusp of a “new green industrial revolution” – if only governments are ready to spend the necessary cash.

Economy 03-02-2023

EU Parliament wants to strengthen European Works Councils

Est. 5min

On Thursday (2 February), the European Parliament voted in favour of a report that wants to strengthen the rights of European Works Councils (EWC) in order to reinforce the voice of employees in large European companies.

Economy 18-11-2022

EU car manufacturing regions to collaborate in move towards electric vehicles

Est. 6min

As the automotive industry shifts from combustion engine vehicles to cleaner technology, regional governments warn of increased competition between automotive regions for a decreasing number of jobs. To prevent this, they are calling for greater collaboration.

Economic governance 20-10-2022

Why does the Stability and Growth Pact not promote stability or growth?

Est. 5min

As the EU's fiscal rules are being reformed, investment in green, digital and social public goods should be excluded from the debt calculations, argues André Sobczak.

Economy 04-10-2022

EU Commission allows collective bargaining for solo self-employed

Est. 4min

Two years after its initiative to ease collective bargaining for self-employed workers, the European Commission published new guidelines to allow collective bargaining for solo self-employed people under EU competition rules.

Economy 29-09-2022

German MEPs argue for reform of European Works Councils Directive

Est. 4min

Social Democrat Gabriele Bischoff and Christian Democrat Dennis Radtke argue for a review of the European Works Councils Directive to give workers of large European companies more influence in strategic decisions, but European businesses fear this might weigh them down.

Economy 29-07-2022

The transition has to come faster, can it still be just?

Est. 5min

Along with climate change and digitalisation, the Russian invasion forces the European economy to change faster than it would like to, putting companies and workers in a vulnerable position.

Economy 05-07-2022

The ECB greens its monetary policy

Est. 4min

The European Central Bank (ECB) has decided to pay more attention to both its effect on climate change and the effect of climate change on financial stability. 

Economy 30-06-2022

European social partners to negotiate right to disconnect

Est. 4min

Trade unions reached an agreement with business associations on a work programme for the social dialogue 2022-2024 that should include legally binding measures to regulate telework and institute a right to disconnect on a European level.

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Economy 18-05-2022

IndustriAll Europe’s Just Transition Manifesto

This manifesto is industrial workers’ call to policymakers to ensure a Just Transition.

OpinionPromoted content
Economy 18-05-2022

A Just Transition Manifesto to save the Green Deal

Est. 7min

IndustriAll Europe’s Just Transition Manifesto makes clear demands to policymakers across Europe to ensure a transition to a green economy that is fair for all workers, and that preserves and creates good quality jobs. Failure to match our climate ambitions with equally strong social ambitions will otherwise be the downfall of the Green Deal.

Economy 28-01-2022

Workers’ voice advocates: Franco-German overlap is “window of opportunity”

Est. 4min

With France holding the EU Council presidency until July and a Social Democrat-led government in power in Germany, hopes are high in Brussels for progress on key labour-related files like the revision of the European Works Council (EWC) Directive.

Economy 06-12-2021

EU lawmaker calls for regional transition councils

Est. 4min

New jobs offered by the green transition may not make up for the traditional jobs that will be lost, or they may move to another location, which is why workers and trade unions should be included in regional planning of the transition, according to Jens Geier, a Social Democrat lawmaker in the European Parliament.

Economy 01-12-2021

Fight for workers’ rights in Brussels intensifies ahead of French EU presidency

Est. 5min

The fight for workers’ rights in Brussels is intensifying: the European Parliament is now ready to begin negotiations on a minimum wage directive and to vote on a new report putting pressure on the European Commission to legislate.