Donagh Cagney

The show ‘can’ go on

Est. 6min

Post elections, the EU’s climate advocacy space is forced to contend with an awkward reality: Contrary to its doom-laden warnings, the centre held, the far right is not in power, and progress remains possible.

Transport 11-06-2024

After EU elections, transport sector should be careful what it wishes for

Est. 5min

Euractiv's Transport Brief brings you the latest on the transport sector in Europe.

Politics 10-06-2024

No Irish candidates in the EU race have been confirmed, results may take days

Est. 2min

Counting for the European elections in Ireland ended on Sunday evening with no candidates confirmed as elected.

Politics 10-06-2024

Greens avoid wipeout in Luxembourg

Est. 1min

Tilly Metz (Greens/EFA) will remain an MEP for the next five years despite earlier polling consistently predicting a total wipeout for the Green Party in the European Parliament.

Regular farmer protests – and the accompanying dramatic photos – ensured that nature protection remained a constant talking point in the run up to elections.

Energy and environment files on the campaign trail

Est. 5min

It is often argued that EU policy debates are detached from the everyday lives of European citizens and that European Parliament elections are fought on national and local issues. But the 2024 election campaigns were different.

The Brief – Make electric cars, not war

Est. 6min

The global liberal order has long been written off. It was naïve, the argument now goes, to think that trade would bind together countries’ interests and encourage cooperation over conflict. But Europe’s current China contortions suggest that global trade can still keep the peace.

Energy 31-05-2024

Ukrainian ‘ecocide app’ calculates Russia’s bill for environmental damage

Est. 5min

Ukraine’s environment has been the “silent victim” of the Russian invasion, according to Ukrainian environment minister Ruslan Strilets, but thanks to app-wielding Ukrainian citizens, he can now put a price on the damage – more than €56 billion so far.

Out with green hydrogen, in with carbon capture

Est. 5min

Policymakers and industry’s love for green hydrogen - has cooled in recent months. Teething problems have made clear that this new industry is incapable of scaling up overnight

Transport 28-05-2024

Europe doesn’t know whether to tax or subsidise electric cars

Est. 4min

Euractiv's Transport Brief brings you the latest on the transport sector in Europe. This week: Will EU government subsidise electric vehicles with one hand, and tax with the other?

Neither record-breaking global temperatures nor threats to the Green Deal have been enough to motivate climate protestors to hit the streets en mass.
Climate change 27-05-2024

Europe’s missing climate marches

Est. 4min

Ahead of the 2019 European Parliament elections, Europe was rocked by massive climate marches. But as the 2024 elections approach, the streets remain silent.

2024 could be hydropower’s year

Est. 7min

As the cards in Brussels are being dealt anew, Europe’s hydropower industry is shooting for a greater slice of the attention pie in the EU capital.

Eickhout said that “a strong Europe on industry” and “the continuation of the Green Deal” have to be core for the next European Commission, otherwise “I don't see any viable majority possible” in the Parliament [File photo]
Climate change 21-05-2024

Green’s Bas Eickhout battles far right while facing electoral challenge from the centre

Est. 5min

While Green co-lead candidate Bas Eickhout laments the politicisation of climate change by the far right, the main electoral threat may come from centrist-parties in north-west Europe.

Irish Minister for Environment, Climate and Communications signed a letter with 10 of his European counterparts, calling for the Environment Council to pass the Nature Restoration Law on 17 June.
Biodiversity 15-05-2024

Supporters rally for Nature Restoration Law, but no sign of movement in Council

Est. 3min

Yesterday (Tuesday 14 May) environment ministers from 11 national governments wrote to their counterparts across the EU, urging them to adopt the law at the next Environmental Council meeting on 17 June.

Post-growth thinking in the Brussels Bubble

Est. 6min

The ‘post-growth’ movement, which holds that economic growth is pushing us past fixed planetary boundaries, like the twin climate and biodiversity crises, without fundamentally making us happier, writes Donagh Cagney.

Transport 14-05-2024

TotalEnergies pivot casts doubt on Europe’s €28bn hydrogen truck bet

Est. 4min

Long-haul trucking is considered one of the hardest activities to decarbonise. Industry experts differ on whether the solution is hydrogen trucks – which are less efficient but have greater range - or battery electric trucks, which will be cheaper to run but need more stops to recharge.

EU-China 08-05-2024

China’s Xi to woo close ally Hungary with more investment

Est. 4min

On the last leg of his European tour in Hungary, Chinese President Xi Jinping on Wednesday (8 May) is expected to tighten ties with Budapest, its closest ally in the European Union. After Paris, Xi's visits to

Has the G7 hammered the last nail into coal’s coffin?

Est. 8min

Coal is the worst. If accounts for a fifth of global greenhouse gas emissions. Every year, anthracite, bituminous coal and lignite do significant damage to the worst damage to the climate. Are we finally getting out?

Transport 07-05-2024

Aviation’s contrails travails

Est. 5min

Euractiv's Transport Brief brings you the latest on the transport sector in Europe. This week, a successful time for cycling policy, but challenges remain for implementation.

Europe still debating its Green Industrial Strategy

Est. 5min

In this week's Green Brief, Euractiv's Donagh Cagney explores whether Europe can make the fundamental changes to deliver a real Green Industrial Strategy. Either it can or cannot - either outcome will be a critical moment for the EU.

Transport 30-04-2024

EU cycling policy takes off its training wheels

Est. 4min

Euractiv's Transport Brief brings you the latest on the transport sector in Europe. This week, a successful time for cycling policy, but challenges remain for implementation.

Elections 24-04-2024

The Brief – Letta report has everything and nothing to do with June elections

Est. 6min

As Brussels emerges from a severe case of last week's ‘Lettamania’, the question must be asked: Who will benefit? 

Europe’s Energy Union: ever closer, but not ever calmer

Est. 5min

Hello and a big welcome to our new subscribers from AURORA, the International Energy Agency, pwc and more. Euractiv’s Green Brief brings you a roundup of energy and environment news from across Europe. You can subscribe here. There will …

Transport 23-04-2024

Rome wasn’t built in a day: Letta offers no quick fixes for transport

Est. 4min

Euractiv's Transport Brief brings you the latest roundup of news affecting the transport sector in Europe.

Biodiversity 17-04-2024

‘A huge, huge, huge mistake’ Teresa Ribera warns against rejecting Nature Restoration Law

Est. 4min

Spanish Vice-President and Ecological Transition Minister urged EU countries to save the beleaguered Nature Restoration Law, in an exclusive interview with Euractiv in Brussels on Friday 12 April.