Est. 1min 16-06-2023 (updated: 28-07-2023 ) Content-Type: Sponsored By Sponsored By An organization or individual has paid to be connected to this work but did not approve or review it. Euractiv is part of the Trust Project >>> Print Email Facebook X LinkedIn WhatsApp Telegram How to make the target to slash in half the use and risk of chemical pesticides by 2030 a reality? The EU has outlined the ambition to cut by 50% the use and risk of chemical pesticides in its flagship food policy, the Farm to Fork strategy, by 2030. The move has proven contentious, with stakeholders questioning both the direction of travel and whether farmers have the tools to get there. In this Special Report, EURACTIV takes a look at the innovations in the pipeline that could actually see this target play out in practice. Download PDF Experts: Novel pest control solutions exist, but are ‘stuck in pipeline’ News | Agrifood 16-06-2023 Est. 5minThere are plenty of promising innovations which could help dramatically lower the use of pesticides, but these remain stuck in the pipeline, hampered by maladapted regulation and low confidence levels, scientists from leading research centre Rothamsted told EURACTIV. Plant protection toolbox enriched through cutting-edge technologies News | Agrifood 28-06-2023 Est. 5minA range of new technologies from artificial intelligence to RNA-based innovations could be key to significantly reducing the amount of chemical pesticides used as well as conceiving new crop protection products. Timing, monitoring key to sustainable farming, says winemaker News | Agrifood 13-07-2023 Est. 5minMonitoring the spread of pests, conducting soil analyses, and learning how to intervene in plant health at the right moment are crucial in the switch to sustainable farming practices, an organic winemaker told EURACTIV. FAO official: EU shouldn’t sacrifice food output in sustainability’s name News | Agrifood 28-07-2023 Est. 4minSacrificing the EU’s agriculture productivity on the altar of its sustainable farming ambitions risks creating tensions on the global stage as the rest of the world cannot compensate for a reduction in the bloc’s output, according to a United Nations (UN) expert. Time to put new tools into the farmer’s toolbox Opinion | Promoted content | Agrifood 19-06-2023 Est. 6minAlthough my grandfather wasn’t a farmer, he was someone who worked with his hands his whole life, as well as someone who used tools for his job. One of my most treasured possessions is his battered toolbox with its set …