About: ALDE Party

OpinionPromoted content
Politics 05-06-2024

Now it’s time to fight for Europe. It’s time to vote.

Est. 4min

The only way to make a difference for our common European future is by voting in these upcoming EU elections. Only by making our voices heard can we truly aspire for a better Union.

Special ReportOpinionPromoted content
Politics 23-05-2024

Choose hope, not hate: Use your voice and vote

Est. 6min

Five years after the last election, Europe faces crises and extremism. Liberals are still the antidote against divisive populism damaging our EU, but only if you use your voice on 6-9 June: reject the negativity to embrace hope and unity.

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Politics 23-04-2024

ALDE Party’s 2024 Manifesto: Your Europe, Your Freedom

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ALDE Party's manifesto for the 2024 European elections aims at transforming the European Union in response to today's challenges, outlining commitments in key areas such as security and defence, economic growth and sustainability and institutional reform.

Special ReportInterviewAdvocacy Lab Content
Elections 25-03-2024

ALDE’s Strack-Zimmermann calls for stronger European approach to security

Est. 8min

European liberals have approved the nomination of Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann as ALDE’s lead candidate for the June elections. Strack-Zimmermann spoke to Euractiv’s Christoph Schwaiger following the 20 March ‘Renew Europe Now’ election campaign launch.

Elections 17-11-2023

Bulgarian politician blacklisted by US pitches candidacy to lead ALDE-affiliated party

Est. 3min

Delyan Peevski, a politician sanctioned for corruption by Washington under the Global Magnitsky Act, threw his hat into the ring on Friday (17 November) to become the leader of the Movement for Rights and Freedoms (DPS), a political force affiliated with the liberal ALDE party.

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Politics 04-05-2023

She Will Be Heard – The Alliance Of Her amplifies women’s voices

A society where women have equal power and where female leadership is valued is a society that is more open, more inclusive and more prosperous for everyone. But so often, young women in politics struggle to be heard. This is not right.