Nicolas Schmit

OpinionPromoted content
Politics 05-06-2024

Cohesion is more than a policy, it’s the guiding principle to strengthen and unite

Est. 6min

Thirty years after the creation of the Single Market, Europe’s strongest antidote to discontent and rising nationalism remains Cohesion Policy. To secure the Union, this principle - essential in the progressive agenda - must be central in the next mandate.

Economy 09-05-2022

No time to lose: EU focuses on vocational skills to deliver green transition

Est. 4min

The European Commission is helping member states, companies, and workers to prepare for the massive effort of the green and digital transitions via a number of initiatives and platforms, with a particular focus on the labour market and vocational training. Commissioners Nicolas Schmit and Margaritis Schinas provide more details.

Special ReportOpinionPromoted content
Technology 10-11-2020

European Vocational Skills Week: jobs for the future through VET

Est. 3min

Today, the green and digital transitions are reshaping our way of life, work and interactions – and the COVID-19 outbreak has dramatically accelerated most of these changes. Nicolas Schmit is the European Commissioner for Jobs and Social Rights. The impact of the …

Economy 21-06-2020

Homelessness cannot be just another ‘Fact of Life’ in the EU

Est. 4min

Homelessness is increasing across the EU. It's time for the Commission and governments to turn the tide, write Nicolas Schmit, Ana Mendes Godinho and Yves Leterme.

Economy 15-01-2020

Adapting labour markets to Europe’s green economy

Est. 5min

Climate change has provoked an unprecedented response from the international community in recent years. However, as industry becomes greener, the working lives of Europeans will change, writes Nicolas Schmit