Capitals archive

Politics 12-06-2024

EU elections second round in France

Est. 8min

In today’s edition of the Capitals, find out more about former Catalan president Puigdemont's return to Spain remaining unclear as the country's controversial amnesty law comes into force, Czech far-right party admitting failure in EU elections, and so much more.

Politics 12-06-2024

Romanian far-right party entering EU parliament for the first time eyes ID

Est. 3min

The far-right SOS Romania party, founded just three years ago, most closely aligns with the far-right EU group Identity and Democracy (ID), according to Diana Şoșoacă, the leader of the party that will send two of Romania's eight far-right MEPs to the new European Parliament.

Politics 12-06-2024

Bulgarian president blocks common Bucharest Nine position on Ukraine

Est. 4min

Bulgarian President Rumen Radev, known for his long-term opposition to sending aid to Ukraine, blocked the adoption of a common position on the provision of military aid to Kyiv at the Bucharest Nine forum in Riga on Tuesday. 

Politics 12-06-2024

Czech far-right party admits failure in EU elections

Est. 2min

The Czech Freedom and Direct Democracy (ID) party will convene a committee within the next two weeks to analyse its disappointing performance in the recent European elections, party leader Tomio Okamura announced on Tuesday.

Politics 12-06-2024

Poland pays tribute to soldier killed in border attack

Est. 3min

Sirens blared across Poland during the funeral of a soldier who died last week after being stabbed by a migrant at the border with Belarus - serving as another example of hybrid activities taking place all across NATO, according to Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg.

Politics 12-06-2024

Slovak government delays ‘hot-button’ issues until autumn

Est. 3min

As the summer recess of the Slovak parliament approaches, the ruling coalition announced on Tuesday that it will postpone until September the controversial laws on foreign agents and environmental impact assessment, as well as the dispute over the new speaker of parliament, which the coalition parties are contesting.

Politics 12-06-2024

Portuguese president notes shift in country’s position on Palestine

Est. 3min

President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa said Portugal’s official position on the Palestinian question is changing, reminding protesting students that Portugal had recently adopted an official position in favour of Palestine's entry into the UN as a full member.

Politics 12-06-2024

Puigdemont’s return unclear as Spain’s controversial amnesty law comes into force

Est. 5min

Spain's controversial amnesty law, pardoning Catalan separatists responsible for illegal actions between 2011 and 2023, officially came into force on Tuesday, but the expected return of former Catalan president Carles Puigdemont to Spain remains uncertain, as on the same day a Spanish judge announced that an arrest warrant for the separatist leader remains in force.

Politics 12-06-2024

How EU elections affected balances within Italy’s governing coalition

Est. 4min

The outcome of the European election results in Italy could be a signal of moderation for the ruling right-wing alliance led by Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, according to the political analyst Lorenzo Pregliasco.

Politics 11-06-2024

Analyst: Meloni still important for EPP due to lack of trust on socialists

Est. 6min

In today’s edition of the Capitals, find out more about Polish 'Don Orleone' and other ‘bad boys’ joining the new EU house, Italy's Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni remaining a kingmaker as support from the right could be crucial for the EPP, and so much more.

Politics 11-06-2024

Polish ‘bad boys’ to join new EU house

Est. 5min

Between an oil tycoon embroiled in a visa-selling scandal, an anti-Semitic firefighter and former ministers convicted of abuse of power, the conservative PiS (ECR) party, which came a close second to Prime Minister Donald Tusk's Civic Coalition, is set to bring some controversial faces to the new EU Parliament.

Politics 11-06-2024

New far-right pro-Russian party enters Bulgarian parliament, at odds with similar parties

Est. 4min

Bulgaria's early parliamentary elections have seen the entry into parliament of a new far-right pro-Russian party, Velichie, which promises to be a factor in the EU's poorest country and irritates other pro-Russian parties.

Politics 11-06-2024

Czech conservative leader rejects EU alliance with radical forces, seeks deal with EPP

Est. 2min

There will be no alliance with radical forces in the European Parliament, said Czech Prime Minister and leader of the Civic Democrats (ODS/ECR) Petr Fiala, adding that his conservative EU group should seek cooperation with the centre-right European People's Party (EPP), which maintained its dominance in the European Parliament. 

Politics 11-06-2024

Swedish far-right disappointed as SD falls shy of hoped-for EU election gains

Est. 3min

The Sweden Democrats (ECR) came fourth in the European elections, despite being the second-largest party in the national parliament, marking the party's first loss of ground in an election since entering parliament.

Politics 11-06-2024

Pressure mounts on German government to call snap elections like Macron

Est. 3min

Following the crushing defeat of Germany's governing coalition parties in the EU elections, high-profile opposition figures are urging German Chancellor Olaf Scholz to call snap elections, as French President Emmanuel Macron did after his party was decimated by Marine Le Pen’s Rassemblement National.

Politics 11-06-2024

Analyst: Meloni still important for EPP due to lack of trust on socialists

Est. 4min

Although Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni's support may no longer be needed after the EU elections, with a clear pro-European majority likely to back Ursula von der Leyen (EPP) for a second term as European Commission president, experts say Meloni could still play a crucial role for the EPP in defining its positions.

Politics 10-06-2024

EU elections: Capitals affected more than EU Parliament

Est. 10min

In today's special edition of the Capitals, please find out more about how the European elections went down in all the member states.

Politics 10-06-2024

EU elections: Capitals affected more than EU Parliament

Est. 3min

The results of the EU elections have had a bigger impact on many EU countries than the European Parliament itself. 

Politics 10-06-2024

Romania sends far-right party to EU Parliament for the first time

Est. 2min

Romania is sending far-right politicians to the European Parliament for the first time, but AUR's lower-than-expected score has mainstream parties in the country breathing a sigh of relief.

Politics 10-06-2024

GERB wins EU elections without a clear majority in Bulgaria

Est. 2min

The GERB party of former prime minister Boyko Borissov (EPP) won convincingly the country’s early parliamentary elections and the European vote but the country registered its second lowest-ever turnout of 31.8%. 

Politics 10-06-2024

Pro-EU liberals triumph over Fico’s Smer in Slovak EU elections

Est. 2min

Liberal opposition party Progressive Slovakia (PS/Renew) emerged victorious in the European elections in Slovakia with 27.8% of the vote and six seats, beating Robert Fico’s Smer-SD (NI), initially seen as the frontrunner, which secured 24.8% of the vote and five seats. 

Politics 10-06-2024

Orbán’s Fidesz faces worst-ever EU election result

Est. 2min

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán's Fidesz party came out on top in the European elections in Hungary on Sunday, the party's weakest ever EU election result, as the opposition made gains.

Politics 10-06-2024

Controversial far-right coalition comes third in Czech EU elections

Est. 2min

The controversial far-right coalition of Přísaha and Motoristé made significant gains in Czechia’s European elections, securing two seats and emerging as the country’s third party.

Politics 10-06-2024

Tusk wins as PiS opposition trails close behind

Est. 3min

Prime Minister Donald Tusk’s Civic Coalition (KO, EPP) scored 37.4% in the European elections in Poland on Sunday the vote, with Law & Justice (PiS, ECR) trailing close behind with 35.7%, meaning both are expected to send 20 MEPs to Brussels.

Politics 10-06-2024

Right-wing wins, PSOE comes close second, as both outperform other parties

Est. 2min

The Partido Popular (PP/EPP), the main opposition party, received the most votes, 34.19% of the ballots cast, giving them 22 seats, while the socialist party of Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez (PSOE/S&D) came second with 30.18%, 20 seats, and the far-right VOX party, third with 9.62%, six seats.

Politics 10-06-2024

A Youtuber shakes Cyprus’ political landscape

Est. 1min

A 25-year-old independent candidate who became known as an influencer on YouTube and TikTok was the big surprise of the EU elections in Cyprus as he managed to rank third and become elected as an MEP.

Politics 10-06-2024

Greece’s centre-right wins but with heavy losses

Est. 2min

Greece’s centre-right ruling New Democracy party (EPP) won the elections but lost more than one million votes compared to the national elections last year, while the opposition could not catch up.

Politics 10-06-2024

Portugal’s socialists and liberals defeat far-right in EU elections

Est. 3min

The Portuguese centre-right party (S&D) and the Liberal party (Renew) were the winners of Sunday's European elections in Portugal, which, unlike most other EU countries, saw the defeat of the far-right Chega party (ID). 

Politics 10-06-2024

Estonia’s Kallas won’t call for snap elections despite opposition victory

Est. 2min

A few hours after French President Emmanuel Macron called for snap elections in France, his Renew Europe colleague Prime Minister Kaja Kallas announced that her government would not fall as a result of the EU election results and the loss of a key MEP in her Reform Party (RE).

Politics 10-06-2024

Meloni’s star keeps shining; Schlein’s opposition party, PD, grabs top seat of EP’s S&D group

Est. 4min

Unlike in other European countries like France, Austria, and Germany, where the sweeping gains of far-right parties shook the grounds of incumbent governments, Italy’s leader Giorgia Meloni remained comfortably in the driver’s seat - with Fratelli d’Italia (ECR) bagging 28.87% of the votes as of 06:15 CET, when over 95% of the ballots had been screened.

Politics 10-06-2024

Danish Greens topple Social Democrats as government support crumbles

Est. 2min

Denmark's centrist government was put to the test during the EU elections, facing voters for the first time since national polls at the end of 2022.

Politics 10-06-2024

Latvia boosts EPP, ECR as results come in from Saturday’s vote

Est. 2min

The ruling centre-right coalition Jaunā Vienotība (JV/EPP) won Latvia's elections with 25.7% of the vote, followed by the opposition Nacionālā Apvienība (NA/ECR) with 22.08%, securing two MEP seats each for the EPP and ECR groups in the European Parliament, provisional results of Saturday's vote that the Central Election Commission announced on Sunday read. 

Politics 10-06-2024

Lithuania’s Conservatives come out on top in EU vote

Est. 2min

The ruling Homeland Union-Christian Democrats of Lithuania (EPP) has won the EU elections, securing three seats in the European Parliament with 21.3% of the vote, while the centre-left Lithuanian Social Democratic Party (S&D), which led pre-election polls, came in second with 18% of the vote and two of Lithuania's 11 seats, according to the country’s Central Election Commission (VRK).

Politics 10-06-2024

Swedish left beats far-right as Liberals avoid catastrophe

Est. 2min

The Swedish Greens have unexpectedly come out ahead of the Sweden Democrats (SD, ECR), and the ruling Liberals have narrowly avoided being thrown out of the European Parliament, according to provisional results published by the Swedish government.

Politics 10-06-2024

Finnish PM celebrates victory in EU vote as expected far-right surge flops

Est. 2min

Finnish Prime Minister Petteri Orpo celebrated victory amid a record voter turnout in the European elections on Sunday, with the expected far-right surge failing to materialise.

Politics 10-06-2024

No Irish candidates in the EU race have been confirmed, results may take days

Est. 2min

Counting for the European elections in Ireland ended on Sunday evening with no candidates confirmed as elected.

Politics 10-06-2024

Belgium’s Eurosceptic parties maintain EU seat count, as liberals do well

Est. 1min

The Eurosceptic parties Vlaams Belang and N-VA have won around a third of the vote in the European elections with around 14% each, giving the far-right ID and ECR a combined six seats out of Belgium’s 22 in the European Parliament.

Politics 10-06-2024

Greens avoid wipeout in Luxembourg

Est. 1min

Tilly Metz (Greens/EFA) will remain an MEP for the next five years despite earlier polling consistently predicting a total wipeout for the Green Party in the European Parliament.

Politics 10-06-2024

Dutch far-right comes out top in EU vote, as progressives overperform

Est. 2min

Geert Wilders’ far-right PVV (ID) has come out as the largest single party as it grabbed six seats in the European Parliament, though the nine seats won by the Frans Timmermans-Bas Eickhout double-team cements them as the main opposition force in the country.

Politics 07-06-2024

Rome: Putin’s rapprochement with Italy remark targets EU elections

Est. 4min

In today’s edition of the Capitals, find out more about the many Bulgarians who believe in conspiracy theories, Spain joining South Africa's case against Israel before the ICJ, and so much more.

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