About: Health

Health 05-06-2024

French pharma lobby unveils €2 million plan to reduce medication misuse

Est. 2min

France's pharmaceutical lobby Leem unveiled a plan on Tuesday (4 June) to fight the misuse of medicines, thought to be responsible for several thousand deaths every year, particularly among the elderly.

Health 04-06-2024

MEP Tiemo Wölken prioritises fair access to medicines

Est. 4min

As rapporteur and co-rapporteur on several health-related files, MEP Tiemo Wölken (Germany, S&D) has consistently prioritised fair access to medicines and transparent pricing, and with EU elections looming, he is eyeing a third mandate.

OpinionPromoted content
Health 03-06-2024

Future of health: Time for Europe to connect the dots

Est. 6min

Innovation can deliver patient-centric, digitally advanced, resilient and sustainable healthcare ‒ a new video series shows what’s possible if the EU seizes this opportunity for transformation.

Health 29-05-2024

New parliament needs to finalise pharma package, begin controversial work on health determinants

Est. 3min

Much has been achieved, as summarised in the recent communication on the European Health Union. However, two major areas will spill over onto the desks of the next Parliament: the pharma package and health determinants.

Health 22-05-2024

European Health Union: ‘L’Union fait la force’

Est. 10min

The European Commission will present its update of the ‘European Health Union: a Europe that prepares, prevents and protects' on Wednesday (22 May). Like the Belgian motto, ‘L’Union fait la force’ [Unity makes strength], the Health Union's aim is to create a more resilient Europe.

Health 21-05-2024

UK’s infected blood scandal could and should have been avoided, inquiry finds

Est. 4min

An infected blood scandal in Britain was no accident but the fault of doctors and a succession of governments that led to 3,000 deaths and thousands more contracting hepatitis or HIV, a public inquiry reported on Monday (20 May).

Health 08-05-2024

Does the EU need an immunisation strategy?

Est. 11min

At the end of April, the World Health Organisation completed a comprehensive analysis of the Expanded Programme of Immunization (EPI) which marks its 50th anniversary. The study estimates that 154 million lives have been saved by vaccines. Looking ahead, does we need an EU Immunisation strategy?

Health 03-05-2024

Bitter necessity: Health Union and a healthy Union

Est. 4min

Like many Europeans, the Dutch feel no love for the European Union. This is a painful but understandable conclusion from a recent study by Ipsos. The EU needs to go to the doctor quickly and get a beating heart full of love because Brussels still seems cold and chilly to the European voter, writes Toine Manders.

Health 02-05-2024

Higher consumption fails to improve well being, says Happy Planet Index

Est. 3min

The Happy Planet Index (HPI) claims to have found that higher levels of consumption are not translating into higher levels of well being. The index is an attempt to go beyond GDP and find a way to measure how countries are providing citizens with a good sense of well being without placing an excessive burden on the planet.

Health 01-05-2024

Health inequalities persist 20 years after the 2004 enlargement

Est. 7min

For the 10 countries that joined the EU in 2004, the economic transformation has been impressive but significant disparities remain to this day and this is particularly the case when it comes to health.

Health 22-04-2024

Vaccine-preventable disease is on the rise in Europe

Est. 4min

During the COVID-19 confinement, many contagious pathogens were also suppressed; with society opening combined with vaccine hesitancy, outbreaks of vaccine-preventable diseases, such as measles and whooping cough (pertussis) are on the rise.

Health 10-04-2024

European Commission registers European Citizens’ Initiative to support safe and accessible abortion

Est. 2min

The European Commission has registered a European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI) for safe and accessible abortion. The decision is the starting shot for the ‘My Voice, My Choice’ movement to collect one million signatures in support of their cause. The group hopes to become the fastest ECI to achieve this target, with the aim of meeting it before the European elections in June.

NewsAdvocacy Lab Content
Health 21-02-2024

New Swedish rare diseases strategy commissioned

Est. 5min

Sweden is preparing a national strategy to improve healthcare for people with a rare disease. The long-called-for plan will tackle major care inequalities amongst the estimated half a million people in Sweden living with a rare disease.

NewsAdvocacy Lab Content
Health 20-02-2024

Poland to promote new health education programme in schools

Est. 4min

Polish schools expect to introduce a long-awaited health education programme, aimed at addressing public health concerns and promoting healthy lifestyles among children.

Health 15-02-2024

EU Disability Card goes some way to improving accessibility across the bloc

Est. 4min

While broadly welcomed for harmonising accessibility measures across the bloc, the agreement on the EU's first bloc-wide Disability Card is only a first step in securing true freedom of movement within EU countries for people with disabilities, an expert told Euractiv.

Health 14-02-2024

Malnutrition risk for two thirds of Slovak hospital patients

Est. 5min

Malnutrition impacts almost two-thirds of Slovak patients in hospital care, according to new research. The survey found that despite the extra costs malnutrition creates for the healthcare system, interventions remain minimal.

Health 12-02-2024

Athens rolling out home delivery of medicines for patients with serious diseases

Est. 4min

To improve patient access to pharmaceutical products, a Greek Health Ministry decision is rolling out home delivery of high-cost medicines to patients suffering from serious diseases.

Health 09-02-2024

EU institutions agree on a definite phase-out of mercury in dental procedures

Est. 2min

The Council and the European Parliament agreed on Thursday (8 February) on the proposal to completely phase out the use of mercury in dental amalgam as part of the commitments from the EU’s Zero Pollution Ambition. 

Health 07-02-2024

EU Parliament endorses new limits for lead and diisocyanates exposure

Est. 3min

The European Parliament gave the final approval on Wednesday (7 February) to the new rules that will limit workers’ exposure to lead and diisocyanates and step up health protection. 

Health 01-12-2023

EU health ministers seek coordinated approach to climate change health threats

Est. 5min

The EU must take concrete actions to address the public health effects and health systems threats of the climate crisis, EU health ministers urged on Thursday (30 November).

Health 25-10-2023

EU institutions push for greater mental health protections in the workplace

Est. 4min

In part of its initiative to boost mental well-being across sectors, the European Commission on Wednesday (25 October) launched a new campaign to support healthy work environments in the digital age.

Health 25-10-2023

What’s to come on health for the Spanish EU presidency

Est. 10min

An editorial word: What's to come on health for the Spanish EU presidency By Amalie Holmgaard Mersh With just over two months left of the Spanish EU Council presidency, Spanish health minister, José Manuel Miñones Conde, visited the members of the European …

OpinionPromoted content
Health 23-10-2023

Europe’s healthcare ambitions: right diagnosis, wrong treatment

Est. 6min

In my role I look at a lot of dashboards, like the one I read perhaps daily showing whether patients across Europe are able to access a new treatment following its approval by the European Medicines Agency (EMA), the medicine regulator.

Health 18-10-2023

A study: EU falls short in addressing the health impact of air pollution

Est. 5min

The European Union and some of its member states fail to integrate air quality considerations into their national climate plans and do not recognise the impact of air pollution on health, a study published by the Global Climate and Health Alliance showed.