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Health 28-02-2024

Europe needs new 360 rare diseases strategy

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Rare Disease Day, 29 February, marks a moment when an estimated 30 million people living with rare diseases across Europe gain a louder voice. Europe now has a generational opportunity to scale up programmes capable of improving millions of lives.

Counterfeit handbags on a market.
Economy 01-02-2022

Recent developments in the illicit trade of counterfeit goods

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A special report on changes in the illicit trade of counterfeit products brought about by the pandemic and technological change.

Packaging recycling

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The European Commission has set an objective for all packaging placed on the EU market to be "reusable or recyclable in an economically viable way by 2030”. In this special report, EURACTIV looks at the implications for so-called "flexible packaging" such as crisp packets, which are considered hard to recycle.

Politics 18-01-2022

European communities and their view on the future of Europe

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The Conference for the Future of Europe is a chance to address the most prominent issues in Europe's regions and translate them into proposals for the future of the bloc, regional stakeholders say.

Rural innovation

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Rural areas in Europe face particular challenges: lower median income than big cities, lack of social and cultural life, lack of internet infrastructure, and depopulation. By mid-2021, the European Commission wants to articulate a new long-term vision for rural areas, saying they have a special role to play in the transition to a green and sustainable Europe.

Aviation 09-11-2020

Decarbonising air travel

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The coronavirus may have slashed demand for air travel but a recovery is expected and, with it, extra growth and extra greenhouse gas emissions. Options to make aviation greener exist but sorely need investment and regulatory support to take off in a big way.

Fluorinated gases

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F-gases, a family of refrigerants commonly used in fridges and air conditioners, are being phased out in order to prevent global warming from spinning out of control. But efforts to gradually ban the refrigerant have also created a thriving black market, which the European Union is struggling to contain.

Special ReportOpinionPromoted content

The importance of local governments in the transition to a Circular Economy: the example of Fryslân and Leeuwarden

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When the European Commission launched its new Circular Economy Action Plan (CEAP) last March, the world was a different place. Now, as Covid-19 is badly damaging the European economy, calls for a green recovery have become even stronger, boosting the …

Health 04-11-2020

Driving progress in Europe’s cancer care

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With the advent of the Commission's long-awaited cancer plan rapidly approaching, now more than ever, the impetus is there for EU lawmakers to drive change in Europe's cancer care.

Azerbaijan 10-02-2020

Modernisation in Azerbaijan

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The key word in Azerbaijan in recent months appears to be modernisation, with opportunities being given to young and well-educated professionals, replacing a Soviet-time old guard.

Agrifood 28-01-2020

Sustainable food systems in the Farm to Fork strategy

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Embedding the concept of sustainability in the way we produce and consume our foodstuff represents a challenge for the food systems as we know them today. But it also offers opportunities for growth, once it becomes clear how to lead the transition.

Central Asia 28-11-2019

Multi-vector diplomacy

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Lodged between China and Russia, Kazakhstan, a country with huge territory and a modest population, pursues a 'multi-vector' foreign policy, positively engaging with its big neighbours, but also with the US and the EU and the global community.

Economy 25-11-2019

Frontier Research – A good return on investment?

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From healthy lives to sustainable cities, from food security to equal societies - frontier research is often credited to have the potential to produce paradigm-shifting discoveries with economic, societal and policy impacts. With almost 10,000 researchers supported all over Europe, the …

Energy 18-11-2019

Raw materials: Aiming for sovereignty

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In face of fierce global competition, how can Europe secure access to key raw materials for the future of its industry?

Batteries 19-09-2019

Clean mobility’s challenging road ahead

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As European cities hold Mobility Week events across the continent, this special report looks at some of the challenges facing the sustainability drive.

Data Centre
Technology 10-09-2019

Finding digital freedom in a crowded world

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As the EU enters new and uncharted waters in the digital world, a number of pressing questions emerge as to how the bloc can distinguish itself in a highly competitive marketplace.

EURoad2Sibiu 16-07-2019

Romania’s EU presidency: A glance back

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Romania held its first rotating presidency of the Council of the EU between January and June. But how did the Eastern European country perform during its six months at the helm? This special report outlines its main outcomes and successes.

Central Asia 07-06-2019

Kazakhstan elections

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The presidential election on 9 June was seen in Kazakhstan as crucial for the future development of the country. This was the first one in which the country's First President Nursultan Nazarbayev was not running, auguring for the introduction of more pluralism.

Agrifood 21-05-2019

The EU future of new plant breeding techniques

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New plant breeding techniques (NPBTs) emerged as an innovative agricultural solution in the last decade, allowing the development of new plant varieties by modifying the DNA of the seeds and plant cells.

Central Asia 21-05-2019

Kazakhstan: New political realities

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Kazakhstan’s first president Nursultan Nazarbayev surprisingly resigned on 19 March and announced that the Speaker of the Senate, Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, will serve as interim leader before the next presidential election, which will take place on 9 June.

Energy 13-05-2019

Gas storage in the energy transition

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The main value of gas storage has traditionally focused on security of supply, ensuring people can continue heating their homes in the event of a cold spell or a sudden supply cut. That is due to change in the coming years as energy companies compete for new "flexibility" services in a hybrid energy system combining gas and electricity.

EU elections: The environmental issue

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Ahead of the May 2019 European elections, EURACTIV takes an in-depth look into the campaign commitments made by the lead candidates of the main political parties.

Agrifood 05-03-2019

Is there room for women farmers in the CAP?

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Lawmakers in the European Parliament believe that women have a key role to play in helping to revive rural areas. However, discrimination against women in the farming sector is still widespread.

Economy 25-02-2019

Voices from the regions: Brexit impact along the Irish border

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On 29 March, the United Kingdom is set to leave the European Union. EURACTIV.com's on-the-ground reporting looks into the effects of Brexit on EU regions and, in particular, its implications for the relationship between Northern Ireland and Ireland.