About: diagnosis and treatment

Special ReportAdvocacy Lab Content
Health 04-06-2024

Alzheimer’s Disease: detection, diagnosis, treatment

Est. 1min

It is estimated that over 7 million people are living with Alzheimer's Disease in Europe, and there is increasing concern about the ability to combat the disease with Europe's ageing population. In this series of articles, Euractiv will explore the state …

Health 28-04-2023

Access to innovative myeloma drugs remains ‘difficult’ in France

Est. 5min

Over the past ten years, treatments for multiple myeloma have progressed significantly, allowing French patients to live longer. However, much progress remains to be made, particularly in access to innovative drugs.

OpinionPromoted content
Health 18-10-2022

Alzheimer’s disease: Building hope for a better future

Est. 7min

Scientific advances in the detection and treatment of Alzheimer’s disease offer cause for optimism, but health systems will need to evolve to deliver meaningful change for those affected.

Special ReportOpinionPromoted content
Health 01-07-2022

Newborn screening for SMA in Europe: closing the gap between diagnosis and treatment

Est. 3min

Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is a rare, progressive, neuromuscular disease which affects one in 11,000 births. It is the most common neurodegenerative disease in childhood. Before any treatment was available, a diagnosis of SMA meant either early death or a lifetime of progressive disability. There are now a number of disease-modifying treatment options for SMA approved in Europe, with more treatments under development.