Special Report | News | Health 19-12-2016
Death from cardiovascular diseases (CVD) may have fallen substantially in the UK and across the world, but it remains the single biggest killer, and a sizeable economic burden.
Special Report | News | Health 14-12-2016
Efforts to digitalise healthcare for chronic disease patients – including those suffering from diabetes – are helpful, according to the European Public Health Alliance (EPHA). But the move towards digitalisation should not exacerbate existing health inequalities, it warns.
News | Climate change 08-11-2016
A food tax based on a product's carbon footprint would bring benefits not only for the climate, but also for public health, according to a British study published on Monday (7 November). EURACTIV's partner Journal de l'Environnement reports.
News | Health 21-10-2016
Malta has the highest proportion of obese adults in Europe, according to EU figures released yesterday (20 October), while Romania is the least obese.
Opinion | Agrifood 20-10-2016
Ever since he took office, Agriculture Commissioner Phil Hogan has promoted the interests of the livestock sector while ignoring health warnings and environmental concerns over meat consumption, writes Olga Kikou.
News | Science & Policymaking 10-06-2016
Air pollution has become a major contributor to stroke for the first time, with unclean air now blamed for nearly one third of the years of healthy life lost to the condition worldwide.
News | Health 26-05-2016
Decision-makers should stop ignoring risk factors like tobacco, which causes deaths that could have been avoided, Health Commissioner Vytenis Andriukaitis told EURACTIV.com.
News | Health 18-05-2016
Loneliness increases the risk of developing heart disease and suffering strokes, new research has found.
News | Health 10-05-2016
The number of deaths from heart attacks and strokes has dropped significantly in the European Union during between 2000 and 2013, according to the latest figures from Eurostat.
Special Report | News | Energy 21-04-2016
The European Commission will consider indoor climate rules in its forthcoming legislation on Energy Union, the Commission Vice-President in charge of the strategy yesterday (20 April) revealed.
News | Health 06-04-2016
Finland is the most heavily regulated country in Europe when it comes to alcohol, food and drinks, e-cigarettes and tobacco laws, followed by Sweden, the UK and Ireland, according to a new Nanny State Index published on Tuesday (5 April).
News | Health 27-10-2015
Chronic pain and tendon inflammation could be directly linked to high cholesterol, according to a study by the University of Canberra. EURACTIV Spain reports.
News | Health 19-10-2015
Researchers in the United States have found that hormonal changes in women during the menopause can cause so-called ‘good cholesterol’ to become dangerous to their health. EURACTIV France reports.
Interview | Health 13-10-2015
Cardiovascular diseases are still the world’s leading cause of death. Much more should be done to prevent the major risk factors, Philippe Thébault told EURACTIV France.
News | Health 05-10-2015
An new study has found that sending text messages to heart attack survivors, encouraging them to make healthier lifestyle choices, can bring significant health benefits. EURACTIV France reports.
Opinion | Health 15-09-2015
Jean-Claude Juncker had the unique opportunity to make his State of the Union speech special. Unfortunately, he left many of Europe’s “monumental” challenges unaddressed, writes Kristina Sperkova.
Special Report | News | Health 11-09-2015
SPECIAL REPORT / Europe’s leading cardiologists have advised policymakers to look into unexpected areas such as e-cigarettes and personalised medicine in their efforts to prevent cardiovascular diseases.
Special Report | Interview | Health 08-09-2015
SPECIAL REPORT / Although cardiovascular diseases are still the number one killer in the world, they do not receive enough attention from policymakers due to many misconceptions, says Johanna Ralston.
Special Report | Health 07-09-2015
EURACTIV reports from the European Society of Cardiology 2015 congress, the largest and most influential cardiovascular event.
Video | Health 28-07-2015
The EU should better coordinate research on cardivascular disease and take action on industrial trans fatty acids, says Mairead McGuinness.
News | Climate change 17-07-2015
High temperatures, heat waves and extreme temperature fluctuations pose an ever-increasing threat to the global population, with a recent study by the German Weather Service indicating higher health risks. EURACTIV Germany reports.
News | Health 26-06-2015
French doctors prescribe more patented statins than their European counterparts. The country’s health service spends €1.2 billion on statins every year, double the budget of some European countries. EURACTIV France reports.
News | Health 09-06-2015
A new study has revealed that tests for kidney function can be equally effective at indicating a patient's risk of heart disease as blood pressure or cholesterol tests. EURACTIV France reports.
News | Agrifood 06-05-2015
Europe will face an obesity crisis of vast proportions by 2030, according to new World Health Organization projections, with many countries likely to see far more than half of adults above the healthy weight limit.