By Est. 1min 23-04-2018 (updated: 12-06-2018 ) [Tero Vesalainen/Shutterstock] Euractiv is part of the Trust Project >>> Print Email Facebook X LinkedIn WhatsApp Telegram Up to 3 million people die every year from vaccine-preventable diseases. The rise of anti-vaccination campaigns has in recent years had a detrimental effect on EU public health as “forgotten” diseases such as measles re-appeared in Europe, raising eyebrows among policymakers. What’s the role of patient groups in providing the right information on vaccination? What is the role of the European Commission in harmonising vaccines supply? Download PDF EU health chief: Time for scientists to be heard under new vaccination proposals News | Health 27-04-2018 Est. 4minWith the European Commission’s new vaccination proposals, scientists have a good opportunity to join forces and use IT tools to explain their scientific opinions to people, EU Health Commissioner Vytenis Andriukaitis told in an interview. The right instinct Video | Promoted content | Health 26-04-2018 We all take small steps every day to protect ourselves and our loved ones. But have we thought about all of the valuable steps we can take? How Italy’s scientific community joined forces and shaped national vaccination plan News | Health 26-04-2018 Est. 4minIf the scientific community sticks together and makes a coordinated effort, it can be very influential in shaping national vaccination plans, Italian professor Paolo Bonanni told, citing Italy as a prime example. Commission could play greater role in harmonising vaccines supply, industry says News | Health 25-04-2018 Est. 5minThe European Commission could play a decisive role in further harmonising the regulatory framework of vaccines and therefore avoid delays in the supply of vaccines in case of shortages or emergencies, Vaccines Europe told Lifecourse vaccination in Europe: Influenza prevention Infographic | Health 24-04-2018 Adult vaccination has been given less prominence than other health priorities. But given our ageing population, the problem of vaccine-preventable diseases and related complications in adults and elderly is likely to grow. Vaccinating these groups would allow them to stay healthy … Download PDF How patient groups could help tackle ‘fake news’ on vaccination News | Health 24-04-2018 Est. 5minPatient groups play a crucial role in providing the right information and thus tackling fake news on vaccination, according to experts, who say this is increasingly necessary to restore confidence in this field. MEP: Vaccination is a lifelong process, not only for children News | Health 23-04-2018 Est. 5minParents have a particular responsibility to protect their children, as they are more vulnerable to infections, but vaccination should be seen as a lifelong approach that applies to adults too, centre-right MEP Renate Sommer told