A patient-centred approach to multiple myeloma


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Back pain is a common symptom of multiple myeloma, a rare cancer of plasma cells found in the bone marrow. [SHUTTERSTOCK]

The people-centred approach of the European Commission’s flagship Beating Cancer plan may be pivotal in understanding and treating patients of multiple myeloma.

Despite substantial improvements in multiple myeloma patients’ outcomes, most people living with this incurable blood cancer experience relapses as the disease develops resistance to therapies.

The findings of a qualitative study show that the most important treatment characteristics for myeloma patients across Europe are those which target life expectancy, life-threatening side effects, treatment response,  nerve or bone problems, thinking problems, and reduced energy.

In this European Special report, the EURACTIV network explores the care pathway of myeloma patients across Europe as well as the latest innovation in terms of therapies.

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