Clinical trials Archives

  • Health experts critical of pharma industry’s new transparency rules

    News | Health 29-08-2013

    Est. 5min

    The European pharmaceutical industry association EFPIA has published new ethical commitments on clinical trials aimed at allaying accusations that a lack of transparency on how new drugs are tested is hurting patients. Critics however are unconvinced.

  • Pharma industry downplays lobbyism with patient groups

    News | Health 25-07-2013

    Est. 3min

    In a blog entry posted yesterday (24 July), the director general of the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations (EFPIA), Richard Bergström, rebuffed reports that the pharmaceutical industry is trying to limit transparency as it seeks to work together with patient groups on clinical trials.

  • Pharma industry tries to mobilise patient groups in clinical trials battle

    News | Health 23-07-2013

    Est. 3min

    The pharmaceutical industry is trying to 'mobilise' patient groups into lobbying against EU plans that will force companies to publish data from their clinical trials, according to an e-mail seen by a British newspaper.

  • MEPs give resounding ‘yes’ to new clinical trial rules

    News | Health 30-05-2013

    Est. 4min

    A panel of European Parliament lawmakers gave unanimous backing on Wednesday (29 May) to new draft EU rules on clinical trials that could represent a huge step forward for research on new, life-saving drugs.

  • Court orders EU medicines agency to withhold clinical trial results

    News | Health 02-05-2013

    Est. 3min

    The General Court of the European Union has ordered the European Medicines Agency (EMA) not to release documents on clinical trials, after two access-to-documents were requested, at least until the Court has issued a final ruling.

  • Health NGO pushes for more transparency in clinical trials

    News | Health 30-04-2013

    Est. 4min

    The European Commission's proposed revision on the Clinical Trials Directive is an important step forward, but does not go far enough, says the Cochrane Collaboration, a healthcare NGO which advocates more transparency in clinical trials.

  • Clinical trials debate shifts from research to transparency ahead of EU vote

    News | Health 19-04-2013

    Est. 6min

    Since the European Commission tabled its proposal to revise the Clinical Trials Directive last July, the focus in the debate has broadly shifted from supporting European research to patient safety and transparency, suggesting health campaigners have gained the upper hand over big pharmaceutical firms. The legislation will be debated in the European Parliament’s Environment Committee on 24 April.

  • Clinical trials directive: The Parliament’s political dilemna

    Opinion | Health 04-04-2013

    Est. 11min

    The most contentious political questions in the Clinical Trials Directive relate to disclosure – whether, how and when the results of clinical trials should be made public and whether pharmaceutical companies can claim ownership over the data generated by them. But if anyone owns the results of clinical trials it is the volunteers who participated, writes Jim Murray.

  • US pharma firm seeks to stop EU agency releasing drug data

    News | Health 11-03-2013

    Est. 2min

    The European Medicines Agency, criticised in the past for excessive secrecy, is opening its data vaults to systematic scrutiny, a move that is creating tensions with drugmakers worried about preserving business confidentiality.

  • Health experts urge greater gender balance in clinical trials

    News | Health 08-03-2013

    Est. 5min

    Too few women are taking part in clinical tests to develop new drugs, putting their lives at risk as women's bodies react differently to medicines, health experts said ahead of International Women's Day.

  • Medical director: Women under-represented in clinical tests

    Interview | Health 08-03-2013

    Est. 5min

    The lack of gender balance in clinical tests affects almost all medical sectors, but is particularly relevant in cardiovascular diseases where only 33% of trials participants are women. On International Women's Day, Marco Stramba-Badiale is calling for an update of the EU's Clinical Trials Directive to address this imbalance.

  • OECD urges harmonisation of clinical trials to save lives

    News | Health 26-02-2013

    Est. 3min

    The OECD is urging its member governments to harmonise their clinical trial approval processes, citing a decline in the pharmaceutical sector in the EU, where the number of applications for clinical trials fell 25% between 2007 and 2011.