About: cohesion policy

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Politics 05-06-2024

Cohesion is more than a policy, it’s the guiding principle to strengthen and unite

Est. 6min

Thirty years after the creation of the Single Market, Europe’s strongest antidote to discontent and rising nationalism remains Cohesion Policy. To secure the Union, this principle - essential in the progressive agenda - must be central in the next mandate.

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Global Europe 02-05-2024

A robust EU cohesion policy – a cure to counteract depopulation

Est. 5min

Depopulation poses a significant challenge for the entire EU, but the cohesion policy offers a solution. By investing in areas like construction, transport, energy, digital and social infrastructure, it aims to improve our lives.

Economy 20-02-2024

Cohesion policy must be revamped ‘to ensure Europe’s survival’, EU report finds

Est. 3min

The EU’s cohesion policy must be urgently restructured to stem the rise of Eurosceptic parties that threaten the “survival” of the European project, according to an independent study set up by the European Commission.

Energy 16-11-2023

Poorer EU regions look to citizens to finance the green transition

Est. 4min

Deprived EU regions are looking at innovative solutions like crowdfunding and citizen-led energy communities to finance the transition to a net-zero economy.

Cities & regions 03-07-2023

Experts, cities, regions worried over repurposing of cohesion funds

Est. 5min

The European Commission’s plan to reshuffle cohesion funds to finance innovative technologies is heightening concerns over the repeated use of the EU’s place-based policy to address new emerging needs and EU’s recentralising tendencies.

Economy 11-04-2023

Cohesion funds increase inequality within EU regions, study finds

Est. 4min

The EU's cohesion policy, which aims at reducing regional disparities, benefits high-skilled, richer households more than low-income households and exacerbates inequality within EU regions, according to a recent study.

Economy 17-11-2022

EU cohesion funds must keep serving long-term goals, says local admin chief

Est. 5min

Long-term investment tools of the EU should be used for ‘strategic’ planning instead of ‘tactical’ operational targets, the president of the EU's peripheral maritime regions told EURACTIV.

Economy 18-09-2022

EU Commission proposes to cut €7.5 billion funding to Hungary

Est. 5min

Citing worries over corruption in Hungary, the European Commission agreed on Sunday (18 September) to suspend one-third of the cohesion funds allocated to the country if its reform efforts remain insufficient in the coming two months.

Politics 29-06-2022

EU brings most distant overseas regions closer to Brussels

Est. 4min

The EU’s Committee of the Regions (CoR) will put a citizen from the bloc’s outermost regions at the helm of an EU institution, which is a historic first.

Health 01-03-2022

Could EU’s cohesion policy be the health hero we always needed?

Est. 5min

New own-initiative report suggests that we should make better use of cohesion policy to reduce health inequalities.

Economy 18-11-2021

COVID recovery euros slow down EU structural fund planning

Est. 7min

As predicted, recovery money planning has maxed out administrative capacity in many member states at the expense of the EU's long-standing structural investment program, which now faces delays.

Agrifood 01-07-2021

EU to fight ‘geography of discontent’ with new vision for rural areas

Est. 5min

The European Commission unveiled on Wednesday (30 June) its long-term vision for the EU's rural areas, proposing a rural pact and a rural action plan aimed at making those regions stronger, connected, and prosperous.

Economy 25-06-2021

Cohesion, recovery funds clash causing headaches for regions

Est. 5min

Critics are warning of significant delays in the EU's cohesion policy spending following the adoption of the bloc's long-term regional support plan, while stakeholders say more time is needed at the local level to devise spending strategies for recovery aid …

Economy 28-04-2021

Political commitment to gender equality needed in cohesion policy, say EU lawmakers

Est. 4min

The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated existing inequalities around the world, and in the EU, it has disproportionately impacted women. The European Parliament's Regional Development (REGI) committee sees cohesion policy as key to gender equality. EURACTIV Germany reports.

Economy 13-04-2021

REACT-EU to fund Czech healthcare instead of dressing rooms after criticism

Est. 3min

After criticism from regional leaders, the Czech government overturned its decision to support local sports clubs with money from the REACT-EU emergency instrument. Instead, a large majority of the funds will go to the healthcare system, EURACTIV Czech Republic reports.

Economy 26-02-2021

The Cohesion Policy to come

Cohesion policy will be one of the main driving forces to achieve an equitable recovery, and the EU’s digital and green aspirations.

EURACTIV tries to demystify the present and future of European cohesion.

Economy 19-02-2021

Cohesion Commissioner tells Bulgaria to make good use of EU’s unprecedented funding

Est. 5min

The opportunities that the EU’s new long-term budget and the Recovery and Resilience Fund, totaling €1.8 trillion, offer a once-in-a-generation opportunity for the EU and Bulgaria, Elisa Ferreira, Commissioner for Cohesion and Reforms told a mostly Bulgarian audience.

Economy 28-01-2021

Cohesion money ‘won’t buy our consent,’ Greek islands governor says

Est. 4min

EU cohesion policy funds to support social and professional integration of migrants and refugees will not solve the problems faced by Greek islands hosting camps, the governor of the region told EURACTIV.

Economy 18-12-2020

European Investment Bank: the unseen rise of a cohesion giant

Est. 7min

Having undergone a significant transformation that raised its public profile, the European Investment Bank (EIB) is set to occupy an increasing role in bridging development gaps between the EU's regions while raising funds for greening, but public finance watchers warn  …

Economy 17-12-2020

REACT-EU has been approved: Here’s what Germany gets

Est. 4min

European regional policy has a special role to play in overcoming the coronavirus crisis, with one of the main new instruments being REACT-EU, a fund which represents an increase of €47.5 billion in structural funds. EURACTIV Germany reports.

Economy 15-12-2020

MEP Fernandes: There is a risk EU countries may forget about repayable support

Est. 5min

Faced with tight deadlines to programme recovery and new cohesion funds while still implementing projects from the previous budgetary period, EU countries may be tempted to forget about repayable Union assistance, warned Portuguese MEP José Manuel Fernandes, in which case a lot of cheap money would be left on the table.

Economy 04-12-2020

Agreement on EU regional funding: Germany gets less

Est. 4min

After a tough struggle, the three-way negotiations on EU structural funding rules have been concluded and white smoke rose from the co-legislators. EURACTIV Germany reports.

Economy 02-12-2020

Lawmakers strike deal on cohesion rulebook amid looming payment cuts

Est. 5min

EU lawmakers reached an eleventh hour deal on Tuesday (1 December) on the legislation laying out the rule book for the structural funds that make up almost a third of the future EU budget, after two years of negotiations.

Economy 26-11-2020

Social Economy – a driver of cohesion

Est. 1min

  In the second part of EURACTIV's series on cohesion policy, the European Union’s project to decrease the disparities between its regions, we look at social economy, its importance to the bloc's economic and social health as well as its potential …