Horn of Africa

Development 21-11-2022

Famine in Somalia ‘foreseeable’, says EU official

Est. 4min

The combination of drought, climate change and donor fatigue have resulted in a 'foreseeable' food crisis in Eastern Africa that has left millions at risk of famine, panellists told an event organised by EURACTIV last week. 

Development 23-10-2018

A wind of change in the Horn of Africa will reach Europe’s shores

Est. 7min

The "summer of love" breaking out on the Horn of Africa represents a new reality for the region – and one that will be felt in Europe, writes Faisal Al Yafai.

EU relies on stability in the Sahel for its own security

Est. 3min

“Europe’s security, and that of Spain, depend on security in the Sahel," said the EU Special Representative for the Sahel, Ángel Losada. EURACTIV’s partner Euroefe reports.

Development 11-10-2017

WFP official: Humanitarian aid, development and peace have to come together

Est. 7min

Conflict resolution should be followed by recovery-type investments, development-type investments and investments in the future, Arif Husain, chief economist of the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP), told EURACTIV on Tuesday (10 October).

Development 15-09-2017

The EU’s militarisation of development aid

Est. 4min

The European Commission and a large part of the European Parliament back the use of development aid for security purposes. But some call this a diversion that will come at the expense of the poorest beneficiaries. EURACTIV France reports.

Development 19-05-2017

‘New Consensus’ on Development adopted – and immediately condemned

Est. 5min

The ‘New Consensus on Development’ was adopted by EU foreign affairs ministers today (19 May) – and immediately condemned by NGOs working in the field.

Development 11-05-2017

EU to send one of ‘biggest ever’ election monitoring teams to Kenya

Est. 5min

EXCLUSIVE/ The EU is sending one of its “biggest missions ever” to monitor the upcoming election in Kenya, amid fears of a repeat of the ethnic clashes during the 2007 election, which left up to 1,500 people dead, and some 600,000 displaced.

Climate fund 04-05-2017

Drought mitigation: Lessons from Ethiopia

Est. 6min

Ethiopia, at the forefront of preventing and reducing drought risks, offers lessons to prepare for future challenges, writes the Embassy of Ethiopia to the EU.

Development 21-04-2017

Ethiopia admits 2016 unrest death toll reached 669

Est. 4min

The official death toll from last year’s civil unrest in Ethiopia came to 669 people, according to a report to the parliament in Addis Ababa this week.

EU-Africa 12-04-2017

Merkel’s ‘man in Africa’ downbeat on prospects for Africa-EU summit

Est. 6min

Gunther Nooke, Angela Merkel’s representative to Africa, offered a gloomy prognosis of November's Africa-EU summit in Abidjan on Tuesday (11 April), saying trade between the continents was “almost irrelevant” and that the African Union required major “institutional reform".

Development 03-04-2017

UN Food Organisation deputy chief: ‘Famine is back’

Est. 5min

EXCLUSIVE / At the launch of the Global Report on Food Crises 2017, Daniel Gustafson, the Deputy Director General of the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation, warned that 108 million people are in “food crisis” around the world.

Development 17-03-2017

Extra €165m from EU for drought crisis in South Sudan, Somalia, Ethiopia

Est. 4min

The EU announced on Friday (17 March) a further €165m for drought-stricken parts of eastern Africa, during a visit by Foreign Affairs chief Federica Mogherini and Commissioner Neven Mimica to Addis Ababa, the continent's diplomatic capital.

EU-Africa 22-02-2017

Attacks on UK aid budget are ‘fake news’, says Miliband

Est. 3min

The President of the International Rescue Committee, David Miliband, has condemned British media attacks on the UK’s aid budget as “fake news”.

Development 21-02-2017

Stylianides condemns ‘man-made’ famine in South Sudan, promises €82m

Est. 5min

The EU on Tuesday (21 February) condemned as “man-made” the newly-declared famine in South Sudan, whilst pledging an initial €82 in emergency aid to the country.

Development 06-02-2017

New report warns on ‘creative accounting’ diverting aid to housing refugees within EU

Est. 4min

A major new report has warned that there are no strict guidelines on how EU member states divert parts of their development aid budgets to helping and housing refugees within their own countries, rather than spending it abroad.

Global Europe 01-02-2017

EU welcomes Morocco rejoining African Union

Est. 5min

The European Union has welcomed a decision by African Union to readmit Morocco after 33 years of absence.

Development 12-12-2016

EU policy on Kenyan exports creating a local health crisis

Est. 5min

As the European market continues to dictate strict standards for any product entering its territory, many exporters have been caught out. However, rejected products are finding their way onto local markets. EURACTIV Germany reports.

Development 11-12-2016

No more EU deals to keep migrants out

Est. 6min

The EU's new partnership with Third World countries, modelled on the controversial Turkey deal, and trust funds to limit migration and return refugees to their home countries, have little safeguards for human rights, argue Jessica Poh-Janrell and Andrea Stocchiero of CONCORD.

Development 02-12-2016

Commission to Ethiopia: ‘Start addressing legitimate grievances of your people’

Est. 5min

The European Commission issued a stinging rebuke to one of its lead partners on the African continent on Friday (2 December), telling the Ethiopian government to “start addressing the legitimate grievances of the Ethiopian people.”

Agenda for Change 02-12-2016

Plan to align UK aid with trade policy could sideline poor countries

Est. 5min

UK aid will be more closely allied with trade policy after the British government signalled a new approach to development assistance that may risk sidelining poorer countries.

Young Gambians ready to vote out dictatorial Jammeh regime

Est. 7min

With high unemployment among its youthful population driving people to flee to Italy, Gambia goes to the polls tomorrow (1 December) in a climate of dissent

UK watchdog calls for clearer picture of how aid investments benefit the poor

Est. 5min

The private sector arm of the UK’s aid programme is failing to demonstrate adequately how its investments improve the lives of the world’s poorest, according to the state spending watchdog, even as the government plans to ramp up the funds it channels through the body.

Development 22-11-2016

Qualified welcome for EU’s new once-in-a-decade development rethink

Est. 9min

Major NGOs gave a guarded welcome today (22 November) to a major once-in-a-decade, overhaul of the EU’s thinking on development.

Development 18-11-2016

Brussels donors conference pledges €2 billion for Central African Republic

Est. 3min

International donors yesterday (17 November) pledged $2.2 billion (€2 billion) in aid for strife-torn Central African Republic, one of the world's poorest countries, officials said.