Climate fund


Developing countries deserve fair and transparent climate support from the EU 

Est. 5min

The EU has committed to mobilise climate finance to support developing countries in their efforts to combat climate change. However, new research shows that EU institutions fall short on delivering on their financial commitments, write Mattias Söderberg and Floris Faber.

Climate change 17-11-2017

Finding climate ambition outside of Europe

Est. 4min

Yesterday at the Bonn climate summit, Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit of Dominica underlined the aftermath of Hurricane Maria and the support needed to rebuild a fully climate-resilient nation. Maeve McLynn describes how rich nations can help.

Agenda for Change 22-05-2017

Vulnerable countries sound alarm on climate finance

Est. 5min

The countries most exposed to the effects of climate change are still waiting for the finances they were promised in Paris in 2015. EURACTIV France reports.

Development 19-05-2017

‘New Consensus’ on Development adopted – and immediately condemned

Est. 5min

The ‘New Consensus on Development’ was adopted by EU foreign affairs ministers today (19 May) – and immediately condemned by NGOs working in the field.


Drought mitigation: Lessons from Ethiopia

Est. 6min

Ethiopia, at the forefront of preventing and reducing drought risks, offers lessons to prepare for future challenges, writes the Embassy of Ethiopia to the EU.

EU-Africa 12-04-2017

Merkel’s ‘man in Africa’ downbeat on prospects for Africa-EU summit

Est. 6min

Gunther Nooke, Angela Merkel’s representative to Africa, offered a gloomy prognosis of November's Africa-EU summit in Abidjan on Tuesday (11 April), saying trade between the continents was “almost irrelevant” and that the African Union required major “institutional reform".

EU-Africa 22-02-2017

Attacks on UK aid budget are ‘fake news’, says Miliband

Est. 3min

The President of the International Rescue Committee, David Miliband, has condemned British media attacks on the UK’s aid budget as “fake news”.

Agenda for Change 02-12-2016

Plan to align UK aid with trade policy could sideline poor countries

Est. 5min

UK aid will be more closely allied with trade policy after the British government signalled a new approach to development assistance that may risk sidelining poorer countries.

Young Gambians ready to vote out dictatorial Jammeh regime

Est. 7min

With high unemployment among its youthful population driving people to flee to Italy, Gambia goes to the polls tomorrow (1 December) in a climate of dissent

UK watchdog calls for clearer picture of how aid investments benefit the poor

Est. 5min

The private sector arm of the UK’s aid programme is failing to demonstrate adequately how its investments improve the lives of the world’s poorest, according to the state spending watchdog, even as the government plans to ramp up the funds it channels through the body.

Development 22-11-2016

Qualified welcome for EU’s new once-in-a-decade development rethink

Est. 9min

Major NGOs gave a guarded welcome today (22 November) to a major once-in-a-decade, overhaul of the EU’s thinking on development.

Development 18-11-2016

Brussels donors conference pledges €2 billion for Central African Republic

Est. 3min

International donors yesterday (17 November) pledged $2.2 billion (€2 billion) in aid for strife-torn Central African Republic, one of the world's poorest countries, officials said.

Development 16-11-2016

Red Cross: Yemen situation ‘is probably as bad as Syria’

Est. 7min

Unseen and unheard crises, such as in Yemen and in the Lake Chad basin in Africa, are probably as bad as in Syria - where the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent has already lost 57 aid workers, Jemilah Mahmood says.

Development 16-11-2016

AidEx opens in Brussels, with ‘localisation’ top of the agenda

Est. 3min

AidEx, the second-biggest event in the development calendar in Brussels, opens today (16 November), for 48 hours, in which the international aid community, NGOs, professionals come together to share experiences and expertise.

Agenda for Change 14-11-2016

What does Trump mean for development aid?

Est. 6min

Concerns that Donald Trump will dramatically cut US aid spending and oversee a withdrawal from global development have sent shockwaves through NGOs and others who fear what the impact of his presidency will be on the world’s largest donor of international humanitarian and development funding.

Development 21-10-2016

Oxfam: Our ‘red lines’ on securitisation and conditionality of EU aid

Est. 5min

The EU is in the process of reviewing its entire framework for development cooperation, to incorporate the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals, and the Paris Agreement on Climate Change - but there must be 'red lines', Oxfam tells

Development 19-10-2016

French MP: Banking lobby’s ‘long reach’ undermines Financial Transaction Tax

Est. 5min

Paris hopes to capitalise on Brexit to take over from London as the EU’s major financial hub. But this ambition could undermine France's promise to broaden the Financial Transaction Tax, Eva Sas told EURACTIV France.

Global Europe 18-10-2016

Tragedy in DR Congo: EU can help

Est. 5min

As the EU considers imposing sanctions on DR Congo, massacres are spreading in the east. Tom Gillhespy calls for the international community to provide more support to local organisations working to prevent armed conflict.

Development 18-10-2016

French auditors launch assault on ‘Solidarity Tax’ for world aid

Est. 4min

France's Solidarity Tax on air travel is a major source of funding for health programmes in the world's poorest countries. But Paris auditors have said it unfairly penalises Air France. EURACTIV France reports.

Development 12-10-2016

Global Health Index: ‘800 million people are going to bed hungry every night’

Est. 7min

21,000 people die every day from hunger or food shortages, and some 795 million go to bed hungry each night, according to the new Global Hunger Index, published on Tuesday (11 October).

Development 10-10-2016

‘State of emergency’ declared in Ethiopia as protest death toll rises

Est. 4min

The Ethiopian government on Sunday (10 October) declared a state of emergency, following a year-long spate of unrest which spiked in a week of deaths and attacks on buildings and foreign companies.

Development 30-09-2016

ICC prosecutor opens initial probe into Gabon unrest

Est. 4min

The chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court said yesterday (30 September) she was opening an initial probe into the deadly unrest in Gabon triggered by disputed elections.

Development 29-09-2016

Live link-up with Mogadishu launches MEPs ‘Fight Against Hunger’

Est. 4min

MEPs joined with the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) yesterday (28 September), with a live link-up from Mogadishu in Somalia, to launch the “Fight Against Hunger” alliance.

Development 28-09-2016

Health SDGs need to learn lessons of MDGs

Est. 6min

To achieve the Sustainable Development Goals on Health, the EU should increase the priority afforded to health in development assistance, writes Frazer Goodwin.