
"We're going to have to pay for the decarbonised economy with the carbon economy" advocates European Parliament Transport Committee Chair Karima Delli
Future of mobility 07-06-2024

Outgoing EU parliament transport chair Karima Delli talks trains, planes and automobiles

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Set to bid farewell to the European Parliament after three successive terms, French Green MEP and chair of the Transport Committee Karima Delli told Euractiv that the biggest achievement of her time there is bringing transport high on the agenda.


European bridges secure against ship collisions, port authorities say

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European bridges over maritime harbours are not likely to collapse should they be hit by seagoing vessels, according to several large European port authorities who Euractiv contacted following the March collapse of the Francis Scott Key Bridge in the US city of Baltimore.

Aviation 30-01-2024

Green hydrogen is the only viable route for aviation and shipping

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Given its limited supply, green hydrogen must be reserved for hard-to-decarbonise sectors such as aviation and shipping, rather than directed towards sectors that can be electrified, writes Aoife O’Leary.


European, US retailers absorb Red Sea shock, wary of hiking prices

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Carrying more stock, switching to suppliers nearer to consumers and reducing dependence on China are tactics European and US retailers used to build more resilient supply chains following disruptions during the COVID-19 pandemic.


Calls to restrict heavily-polluting ships from landing at EU ports

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Ships that have a particularly low environmental grade should face penalties, such as restrictions from entering EU ports, an environmental advocacy group has said, arguing that doing so will incentivise global maritime companies to cut their carbon footprint.

Aviation 29-11-2023

After COVID travel chaos, EU Commission aims to boost passenger rights

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The European Commission tabled an update to passenger rights rules on Wednesday (29 November) in a bid to prevent a repeat of the confusion and frustration experienced by passengers during the COVID-19 pandemic travel disruption.

Global Europe 24-11-2023

Greek shippers exit Russian oil trade to avoid US sanctions

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Three major Greek shipping firms have stopped transporting Russian oil in recent weeks in order to avoid US sanctions now being imposed on some shipping firms carrying Russian oil, four traders told Reuters and shipping data showed.


Shipowners challenge green fuels’ inclusion in truck CO2 standards

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Scarce e-fuels and sustainable biofuels should be reserved for hard-to-decarbonise transport modes such as shipping, rather than going to trucks and buses where electrification is a viable option, shipowners argue.

Road transport 09-08-2023

EU transport policy to continue green trajectory post-Fit for 55

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As the "Fit for 55" legislative package fades from the spotlight, EURACTIV explores what’s next for EU transport policy in 2023.


Polluting shipping to face climate reckoning at IMO talks

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The hefty carbon footprint of global shipping networks that crisscross our oceans and keep the world's economy afloat will come under scrutiny this week, as countries wrestle over measures to slash planet-heating pollution.

Fuels 08-06-2023

Industry suspects fraud as flood of Chinese biodiesel destabilises market

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A drastic increase in biodiesel imports from China has caused a stir in European markets, with industry representatives warning that the EU waste biodiesel industry could ‘collapse’ unless urgent regulatory measures are taken.

Aviation 12-05-2023

Lawmakers criticise green taxonomy investment rules for aviation, maritime

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Green MEPs have asked the European Commission to revise the EU's criteria for sustainable investments, saying rules pertaining to the aviation and maritime sectors are not in line with the EU's environmental objectives.


EU’s global shipping approach puts green credentials on the line

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To retain its credibility, the EU must back concrete 2030 and 2040 emission reduction targets for shipping at the final round of negotiations on the International Maritime Organization's climate strategy, writes Anaïs Rios.


Europe goes from leader to laggard in tackling shipping’s climate impact

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To retain its reputation as a climate leader, Europe must unequivocally embrace science-based climate targets for its shipping industry, argue Faïg Abbasov and Chiara Mingozzi.

Railways 13-04-2023

Transport MEPs vote to cut rail waiting times along key EU routes

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Lawmakers in the European Parliament's transport committee adopted their position on a review of the core EU transport network Thursday (13 April), seeking to cut border-crossing times, boost green travel modes, and expand links with Ukraine and Moldova.


EU strikes ‘ground-breaking’ deal to cut maritime emissions

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The European Parliament and EU ministers struck a deal in the early hours of Thursday morning (23 March) on the bloc's flagship law to cut emissions in the maritime sector, marking a major step forward for the bloc's plans to reach carbon neutrality by 2050.

Energy 07-12-2022

Explainer: Europe set to import banned Russian diesel without knowing

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European motorists could find Russian diesel in their tanks even after bans take effect because regulators lack tools to trace the origin of fuel when it has passed through other countries.


In world first, EU legislators agree to price shipping emissions

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EU legislators agreed to include maritime transport within the EU's emission trading scheme (ETS) during talks that lasted until late Tuesday evening (29 November), a move that will force ship operators to pay for their carbon emissions for the first time.

Shipping 20-10-2022

Parliament backs EU’s maritime fuel law to curtail shipping emissions

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The European Parliament voted Wednesday (19 October) to rein in maritime emissions by strengthening greenhouse gas intensity limits for maritime fuels and obliging large ship owners to use a percentage of green-hydrogen derived fuels by 2030.

Global Europe 29-06-2022

EU insurance ban targets Russian oil exports

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An EU ban on insuring ships transporting Russian oil could potentially hurt Moscow more than its embargo on the nation's crude, analysts say.

Shipping 20-04-2022

How the IPCC report contradicts the EU’s vision on shipping

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The inclusion of natural gas in the European Commission's proposal on low-carbon shipping fuels is incompatible with the recommendations of the latest report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPPC), writes Faig Abbasov.

Biofuels 22-02-2022

EU biofuel plan increases risk of fraudulent imports from Asia: study

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EU proposals aimed at cutting transport emissions risk boosting the amount of fraudulent used cooking oil (UCO) imported into the EU, according to a new study by the International Council for Clean Transportation (ICCT), a US-based non-profit organisation.

Shipping 11-01-2022

The Commission must push for green transition in shipping

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We cannot stop shipping. So EU institutions and industry must work together to find solutions that will drastically reduce the emissions of greenhouse gases, write Tiemo Wölken and Pernille Weiss.

Aviation 27-12-2021

For third day, COVID-19 crimps Americans’ holiday travels

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US airlines cancelled more than 1,300 flights on Sunday (26 December) as COVID-19 thinned out the number of available crews, while several cruise ships had to cancel stops after outbreaks on board, upending the plans of thousands of Christmas travelers.