with Reuters Est. 3min 09-01-2023 A map depicting the military situation in Ukraine on 8 January 2023. Russia has called on the West to recognize the annexed territories of Luhansk, Donetsk, Zaporizhzhia and Kherson, despite the fact that its army is unable to control any of the four Ukrainian provinces. [Twitter] Euractiv is part of the Trust Project >>> Print Email Facebook X LinkedIn WhatsApp Telegram Russia’s government extended support to a legislative amendment that would classify maps that dispute the country’s official “territorial integrity” as punishable extremist materials, the state-owned TASS news agency reported on Sunday (8 January). The amendment to Russia’s anti-extremism legislation stipulates that “cartographic and other documents and images that dispute the territorial integrity of Russia” will be classified as extremist materials, the agency reported. Russia’s sweepingly ambiguous anti-extremism legislation — it applies to religious organizations, journalists and their materials, as well as the activity of businesses, among others – has allowed the Kremlin to tighten its grip on opponents. The new amendment, TASS reports without citing sources, emerged after its authors pointed out that some maps distributed in Russia dispute the “territorial affiliation” of the Crimean Peninsula and the Kuril Islands. Russia annexed Ukraine’s Crimea in 2014 – a move rejected by Ukraine and many countries as illegal. Ukrainians and their government have since often objected to world maps showing Crimea as part of Russia’s territory. On 30 September 2022 Russia annexed the Ukrainian regions of Luhansk, Donetsk, Zaporizhzhia and Kherson. The annexations follow what the international community denounced as sham referendums staged with military escorts and reports of voters held at gunpoint. Putin says four annexed Ukrainian regions will be 'Russian forever' Russia’s President Vladimir Putin moved on Thursday (30 September) to formally announce the illegal annexation of four Ukrainian regions by Moscow, in what is Europe’s biggest land grab since Hitler. Ever since, Russia has called on the West to recognize the new ‘territorial realities’, despite the fact that the Russian army is unable to control any of the four provinces. Russia and Japan have not formally ended World War Two hostilities because of their standoff over a group of islands just off Japan’s northernmost island of Hokkaido. The Soviet Union seized those islands – known in Russia as the Kurils and in Japan as the Northern Territories – at the end of the war. The amendment must be proposed to the State Duma, Russia’s lower house of parliament, and after a review go through three readings. It is then sent to the Federation Council, the upper house, and to President Vladimir Putin for signing. Separately, Russian politicians began debating punishment for Russians who oppose the war in Ukraine and who, as the former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev said, “wish their fatherland to perish.” Medvedev, one of the most forthright allies of Putin, said that “in times of war,” there are special rules that allow to deal with traitors. “In times of war, there have always been such special rules,” Medvedev said on the Telegram messaging app. “And quiet groups of impeccably inconspicuous people who effectively execute the rules.” Medvedev’s rhetoric has become increasingly vitriolic since the war in Ukraine began, though his published views sometimes chime with thinking at the top levels of the Kremlin elite. (Edited by Georgi Gotev) Read more with Euractiv Sweden says Turkey asking too much over NATO applicationSweden is confident that Turkey will approve its application to join the NATO military alliance, but will not meet all the conditions Ankara has set for its support, Sweden's prime minister said on Sunday (8 January).