About: green claims

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Putting the ‘net’ in net zero: scaling up carbon removal technologies in Europe

Est. 5min

How will Europe remove millions of tonnes of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere to keep on track for its climate commitments – that’s a key question facing the next European Commission and Parliament. Kasia Wilk from Drax explains how the Green Claims Directive can help.

EU Parliament votes to clamp down on carbon neutral claims, early obsolescence

Est. 3min

The European Parliament voted Thursday (11 May) in support of new rules aimed at improving product durability by combatting greenwashing and misleading claims on consumer labels, such as "CO2 neutral" or "carbon neutral".

EU says ‘not banning carbon offsets’ in greenwashing crackdown

Est. 4min

New legislation presented by the European Commission on Wednesday (22 March) to clamp down on greenwashing allows businesses to continue making carbon-neutral claims provided they meet specific transparency requirements.

Agrifood 23-03-2023

‘Carbon neutral’ food claims challenged under new Commission rules

Est. 4min

Food companies will be forced to justify claims such as carbon neutral under newly proposed plans from the European Commission as criticisms mount over the ‘rampant’ greenwashing found on supermarket shelves - but farmers warn plans must be fine-tuned for the specificities of the food sector.

EU clamps down on misleading ecolabels with penalties against greenwashing

Est. 6min

The European Commission tabled new legislation on Wednesday (22 March) to tackle misleading environmental claims by introducing penalties against greenwashing and tighter rules for the approval of new ecolabels. 

Agrifood 10-03-2023

Green(claims)washing: Ban climate-neutral food labels, says consumer group

Est. 3min

Carbon neutral claims are misleading and confuse consumers, according to a new report from consumer group BEUC who call for the terms to be banned from food and drink products in the EU. 

Agrifood 20-02-2023

Commission: Labelling ‘jungle’ deters consumers from buying green food

Est. 4min

Consumers are keen to pick sustainable food products even if they cost more, but are deterred by a lack of trust in the labels meant to mark food as green, according to a leading European Commission official.