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Green Deal or Industrial Deal? Why Grids Always Matter!

Est. 6min

A well-established electricity infrastructure is not only key for the delivery of the Green Deal objectives but also a precondition for a competitive European industry. Given their relevance, grids must remain on top of the EU’s next strategic agenda.

Agrifood 17-11-2023

German farmers: Ukraine membership would spell end of EU farming system

Est. 4min

Ukraine joining the European Union in the future would result in the 'death' of the family farm as we know it, according to German Farmers' Union President Joachim Rukwied.

Agrifood 04-10-2023

Berlin sends new agriculture envoy to help Western Balkans with EU accession

Est. 4min

As part of its efforts to secure EU accession for the Western Balkans, the German government is sending for the first time an agricultural attaché to the region to help it implement the often highly technical EU legislation in the field.

Agrifood 29-07-2022

German ministers agree on final CAP plan, split on green rule suspension

Est. 5min

German federal and state agriculture ministers have likely cleared the way for the implementation of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) at country-level, but remain divided on easing environmental requirements.