About: EU Green Deal

Elections 11-06-2024

Germany to set out conditions for supporting von der Leyen’s nomination

Est. 5min

While the European People’s Party came first in the European elections, its candidate and current Commission President Ursula von der Leyen still cannot count on the support of the German coalition government, with the Liberals, in particular, setting high demands in return for their approval.

"We're going to have to pay for the decarbonised economy with the carbon economy" advocates European Parliament Transport Committee Chair Karima Delli
Future of mobility 07-06-2024

Outgoing EU parliament transport chair Karima Delli talks trains, planes and automobiles

Est. 5min

Set to bid farewell to the European Parliament after three successive terms, French Green MEP and chair of the Transport Committee Karima Delli told Euractiv that the biggest achievement of her time there is bringing transport high on the agenda.

Politics 06-06-2024

Pro-EU parties should ‘Europeanise’ election campaigns to combat far-right, analysts say

Est. 5min

Pro-EU parties are ceding political space to far-right Eurosceptic groups in their European election campaigns by failing emphasise the EU's positive impact on ordinary citizens, experts say.

 VideoAdvocacy Lab Content

Thought Leadership conversation with Andreas Schwab, MEP and Jens Bresler, METRO AG

In conversation with Euractiv’s Anna Gumbau, Andreas Schwab and Jens Bresler explain the leadership challenges and opportunities in light of the latest EU policies for a sustainable transition.

Special ReportNewsAdvocacy Lab Content

Is the EU Green Deal ignoring the potential of local action?

Est. 4min

Ahead of the EU elections this week, grassroots local campaigners are putting pressure on lawmakers to change the top-down way they’re organising climate policy.

Climate change 31-05-2024

Healthy trees play a crucial role in mitigating climate change

Forests, trees and wood have always played a critical role for humanity and our future is intertwined with theirs. The coming years will reveal whether we manage to restore a most sustainable relationship with them and secure healthy forests for future generations.

Special ReportNewsAdvocacy Lab Content
Economy 29-05-2024

Workers’ safety is part of EU competitiveness story, says IndustriAll chief

Est. 7min

Europe must create high-road debate around competitiveness and improve workers’ conditions rather than just discussing cutting costs, says Judith Kirton-Darling, General Secretary at trade union IndustriAll Europe.

Transport 29-05-2024

German Minister Wissing: Tariffs on Chinese cars ‘wrong approach’

Est. 5min

Putting up tariffs on Chinese electric cars to protect the European industry was the wrong approach, German liberal Transport Minister Volker Wissing told Euractiv in an interview, promoting international competition.

Economy 29-05-2024

Scholz, Macron adopt ‘competitiveness’ guidelines to set EU agenda

Est. 4min

With the EU set for a new five-year term, the bloc’s powerhouses France and Germany are insisting that their economic priorities are taken into account most of all. 

Economy 28-05-2024

Europe Ahead: Greens/EFA’s Andresen on the false climate vs economy dilemma

Est. 5min

Right-wing arguments that Europe would need to sacrifice its climate ambitions in order to boost its competitiveness are groundless and increasingly rejected by business leaders, the head of the German members of the Greens/EFA group at the European Parliament told Euractiv.

Neither record-breaking global temperatures nor threats to the Green Deal have been enough to motivate climate protestors to hit the streets en mass.
Climate change 27-05-2024

Europe’s missing climate marches

Est. 4min

Ahead of the 2019 European Parliament elections, Europe was rocked by massive climate marches. But as the 2024 elections approach, the streets remain silent.

EU election results threaten Green Deal, sustainability experts say

Est. 4min

The June EU election results will jeopardise the implementation of the Green Deal, according to a majority of experts questioned by the Institute for European Environmental Policy (IEEP).

Irish Minister for Environment, Climate and Communications signed a letter with 10 of his European counterparts, calling for the Environment Council to pass the Nature Restoration Law on 17 June.
Biodiversity 15-05-2024

Supporters rally for Nature Restoration Law, but no sign of movement in Council

Est. 3min

Yesterday (Tuesday 14 May) environment ministers from 11 national governments wrote to their counterparts across the EU, urging them to adopt the law at the next Environmental Council meeting on 17 June.

Climate change 11-05-2024

Polish farmers march against ‘green poison’ EU climate change rules

Est. 2min

Thousands of protesters marched through the streets of the Polish capital Warsaw on Friday (10 May) to show their opposition to European Union environmental regulations that farmers say are driving them out of business.

Agrifood 10-05-2024

Polish farmers march against ‘green poison’ EU climate change rules

Est. 2min

Thousands of protesters marched through the streets of the Polish capital Warsaw on Friday to show their opposition to European Union environmental regulations that farmers say are driving them out of business.

NewsAdvocacy Lab Content
Biofuels 09-05-2024

Biofuels election promise, a renewed mandate for renewables

Est. 7min

Voters deeply concerned with living costs and climate change are being offered a voice by the European Biodiesel Board, it's calling for a balanced, inclusive, and affordable climate policy in line with the EU’s net zero by 2050 goal.

Politics 07-05-2024

Climate activists want to change EU politics before it changes them

Est. 4min

Several activists with roots in climate protest movements are likely to get elected to the next European Parliament, hoping to insert more controversy into an institution known for its technocratic ways.

Economy 29-04-2024

EU liberals’ lead candidate slams von der Leyen’s ‘extremely poor’ performance

Est. 5min

Ursula von der Leyen's performance as European Commission President was “extremely poor”, the lead candidate for the German and European liberals, Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann said on Saturday (27 April), citing prescriptive climate policy and bad approval ratings among businesses.

Green Deal 2.0: Spain’s Ribera lays down vision for next Commission

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Doubling down on climate action and social justice, the restored trust in European democracy, and a proud Europe on the international stage: This is the vision set out by Spanish Vice-President and Ecological Transition Minister Teresa Ribera, the frontrunner to become Spain's next commissioner in Brussels.

Economy 08-04-2024

France, Germany and Italy eye ‘omnibus’ law to cut regulatory burden

Est. 6min

Economy, finance and business ministers from France, Germany, and Italy are set to sketch out plans for a sweeping “omnibus” law to cut requirements for businesses on Monday (8 April), turbo-charging industrialists’ demand for a European Industrial deal.

Special ReportAdvocacy Lab Content

Raw materials, meeting Europe’s strategic needs

Est. 1min

Nickel is an important part of EV battery manufacturing because of its energy density and capacity retention. Demand for nickel is on an upward trajectory as EV sales surge, but despite extensive recycling efforts, nickel demand continues to outpace supply.

NewsAdvocacy Lab Content
Cities & regions 02-04-2024

No paper tigers, please! Results only, says Denmark’s Climate Alliance

Est. 6min

Denmark’s DK2020 climate collective initiative brought together all Danish municipalities, now it prospers as the Climate Alliance. What began as a pilot project has become a five-year plan to transform climate plans from targets into tangible action.

Special ReportNewsAdvocacy Lab Content

Consumers must be at heart of EU energy-saving interoperability efforts, says VizLore director

Est. 9min

Europe has ample new technologies to improve energy efficiency and save CO2, but getting those technologies connected and used efficiently is problematic, said Milenko Tošić, director of innovation at VizLore Labs Foundation.

Nature restoration law: Is it really the end for flagship Green Deal policy?

On the latest episode of Euractiv’s Today in the EU we’re focusing on the the ill-starred nature restoration law.