

The Brief – The EU has a media freedom problem

Est. 6min

The EU likes to think of itself as the birthplace and guardian of the free media. But at least once a year, it has a chance to look the truth in the face - and it's not pretty.

Politics 03-05-2024

European media under attack from politicians, Reporters Without Borders sounds the alarm

Est. 4min

Politicians are the main threat for media freedom in Europe with a third of member states being labelled as ‘problematic’ and even the ‘good’ and ‘satisfactory’ countries, seeing their scores drop, according to Reporters Without Borders World Press Freedom Index 2024, published on Friday (3 May).

Global Europe 30-04-2024

Burkina Faso suspends foreign news media over massacre reports

Est. 4min

Burkina Faso has suspended a swathe of international news organisations in recent days for airing accusations of an army massacre of civilians, a move sparking concern on Monday (29 April).

Global Europe 02-04-2024

Netanyahu pushes to shut Israeli office of Qatar’s Al Jazeera TV

Est. 4min

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu pledged on Monday (1 April) to shutter the local office of Qatari satellite television network Al Jazeera while the war in Gaza continues.

Special ReportNewsAdvocacy Lab Content

Sustainable democracies need a sustainable media sector, says Jourová

Est. 6min

Our democracies need a sustainable media sector, Věra Jourová, European Commission Vice-President for Values and Transparency, told participants of the recent Stars4Media conference in Brussels.


France fines Google for failing to pay media companies

Est. 3min

French regulators said Wednesday (20 March) they were fining Google €250 million for breaching commitments on paying media companies for reproducing their content online and for using their material for its AI chatbot without telling them.

Special ReportAdvocacy Lab Content
#Media4EU 18-03-2024

Is the European media sector ready for AI?

Est. 1min

The rapid rise in artificial intelligence led to the first-ever legal framework on AI at the end of 2023, the EU's AI Act. This report explores the role of media in today's new AI landscape.


EU Parliament passes European Media Freedom Act, concerns over spyware remain

Est. 4min

The European Parliament has voted overwhelmingly in favour of the European Media Freedom Act (EMFA), a landmark legislation to protect journalists and media freedom, though concerns remain over the use of spyware to monitor media.

Global Europe 07-03-2024

Azerbaijani police raid offices of independent TV station

Est. 2min

Azerbaijani police on Wednesday (6 March) raided the offices of a TV station, the interior ministry said, in the latest sign of a crackdown on independent media.


Council of Europe report: European Commission must step up action to preserve media freedom, protect journalists

Est. 6min

The Council of Europe's press freedom report, released on Tuesday (5 March), underscores the absence of international spyware regulation, disputes over the draft law on online child sexual abuse material, and more.


Italian parliamentarians commit to defunding disinformation

Est. 5min

Prominent Italian parliamentarians committed on Thursday (29 February) to “strengthening the immunity system” of their society by making sure that global brands stop advertising with media outlets that spread disinformation

Global Europe 27-02-2024

The Brief – Navalny vs Russian propaganda

Est. 6min

On 18 March 2016, Russian dissident Alexei Navalny participated in a live TV debate with Vladimir Pozner, one of Russia’s most famous journalists, on the issue of media censorship.


Anti-SLAPP law gets final seal of approval from EU Parliament

Est. 3min

The European Parliament approved with an overwhelming majority a law protecting journalists and human rights advocates from abusive legal proceedings designed to stifle freedom of speech, marking the end of a six-year push to get the law across the line.

Enlargement 03-02-2024

Serbia court acquits ex-spies jailed for killing journalist

Est. 3min

A Serbian appeals court acquitted four former intelligence officers jailed for the brutal 1999 murder of journalist Slavko Curuvija, a fierce critic of late strongman Slobodan Milosevic.

Davos: Tech leaders ponder solution to election tampering online

Est. 5min

To maintain online integrity in an election-heavy year around the world, tech leaders gathered in Davos debated on Tuesday evening (16 January) the recent rise of AI and its implications for misleading campaigns and deceptive content in the run-up to polls.

Disinformation 16-01-2024

Pro-Russian disinformation in Bulgaria achieves its goals, experts say

Est. 6min

Euractiv Bulgaria interviewed Ralitsa Kovacheva (, Marina Tsekova (Bulgarian national radio) and Rosen Bosev (AFP factcheck), who stressed that disinformation in the country is so widespread that it easily influences national politics.

Politics 27-12-2023

Polish media dispute deepens with dual appointments of TV boss

Est. 2min

A dispute in Poland over control of public media deepened this week, as a body dominated by the former nationalist government designated a new television boss despite the current administration having appointed somebody else to the role.


EU institutions agree new rules for media sector

Est. 5min

The main EU institutions found a political agreement on Friday (15 December) on the European Media Freedom Act, a new law meant to promote freedom and diversity in the media sector, though the deal comes with some controversial caveats.

Politics 14-12-2023

Number of journalists killed in 2023 is lowest in 20 years

Est. 3min

The number of journalists killed worldwide in connection with their work fell to its lowest level in 20 years this year, a decrease largely attributed to progress in journalists' security.


MEPs exclude audiovisual sector in geo-blocking regulation reassessment

Est. 4min

The European Parliament adopted the reassessment of the implementation of the 2018 geo-blocking regulation in the digital single market on Wednesday (13 December), but the audiovisual sector was excluded with a last-minute amendment.


EU’s media law faces crunch time on protection of journalists, board independence

Est. 5min

EU co-legislators will discuss the thorny issue of protecting journalistic sources at the next negotiation round on the European Media Freedom Act (EMFA), but MEPs are considering postponing the agreement while several EU countries push for more independence of the …


The Brief – Looking out of the window

Est. 7min

This weekend saw a new episode in the battle of digital narratives in Israel and Palestine — the uncanny horrors of which were haunting, even by recent standards.


Balkan study finds global brands spend billions advertising on misinformation sites

Est. 5min

A major advertiser in Bulgaria announced that it will stop “cooperation” with a news website singled out as “problematic”, ahead of the publication of a report according to which global brands are sending $2.6 billion to misinformation websites each year.


EU institutions strike deal on Anti-SLAPP Directive

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EU co-legislators agreed on the directive to address the growing number of strategic lawsuits against public participation (SLAPPs) and protect defendants from unfounded, abusive litigation on matters of public interest.