Est. 1min 01-06-2023 (updated: 08-06-2023 ) Content-Type: Underwritten Underwritten Produced with financial support from an organization or individual, yet not approved by the underwriter before or after publication. The heat pump industry is entering a transformative decade, EURACTIV looked at the key aspects of the transformation. [Shutterstock/Milan Sommer] Euractiv is part of the Trust Project >>> Print Email Facebook X LinkedIn WhatsApp Telegram The heat pump industry is entering a transformative decade, with major producers jostling for market share, consumers angling for state support, and EU governments aiming to nurture the bloc’s nascent industry while meeting climate goals. Read this EURACTIV special report to learn more about Europe’s attempt to become a global heat pump manufacturing powerhouse. Subscribe now to our newsletter EU Elections Decoded Email Address * Politics Newsletters Download PDF Europe’s ‘heat pump valley’ takes root in the East News | Energy & Environment 01-06-2023 Est. 6minA global race has started to manufacture the millions of heat pumps needed to decarbonise heating, with Asian and East European countries taking a head start. 500,000 missing workers: Heat pump industry looks to attract more women News | Energy & Environment 06-06-2023 Est. 5minHeat pumps are slated to transform Europe’s heating sector, a process that has laid bare a skilled workers gap that industry and governments are aiming to fill by boosting female participation in the workforce. Four key hurdles for would-be owners of heat pumps in Europe News | Energy & Environment 08-06-2023 Est. 6minConsumers looking to switch to heat pumps today face challenges like complicated permits, dubious installers and a tax system that favours gas over electricity. Key EU lawmaker: Europe ‘needs to stay ahead of the game’ on heat pump manufacturing Interview | Energy & Environment 08-06-2023 Est. 11minNatural refrigerants like propane are the way forward to replace climate-warming fluorinated gases in heat pumps, Green EU lawmaker Bas Eickhout argues in an interview with EURACTIV. Heat pump ramp-up: tackling the installers gap Opinion | Promoted content | Energy & Environment 22-05-2023 Est. 7minREPowerEU sets out targets for a steep ramp of heat pumps: We want to install at least 10 million / 30 million new heat pumps by 2027 and 2030, respectively. With these targets in mind, the European Commission is currently …