Opinion | Aerospace 18-04-2024
While debates about farming and heat pumps have brought some climate policy debates to a standstill in Brussels, new public opinion research shows how action on aviation could represent a new way forward for climate and the EU, writes Ed Hodgson
News | Elections 17-04-2024
The main headlists for the EU elections debated the Green Deal on Tuesday (April 16) in Angers, offering a return to the old left/right division.
News | Road transport 15-04-2024
A debate on abandoning sector-specific climate targets is heating up in Germany after Transport Minister Volker Wissing from the liberal FDP party warned that he might have to impose car bans on weekends unless the country’s climate law is reformed.
Special Report 14-04-2024
This Special Report explores how policy makers, foresters and local communities are fighting against fight climate change with tree planting. In particular it examines how individuals are balancing some of the sustainability trade-offs associated with tree planting, to ensure that Europe's …
Special Report | News 11-04-2024
The European Parliament voted yesterday (Wednesday, 10 April) in Brussels to approve a deal with national governments on a new carbon removal certification scheme.
News 10-04-2024
Europe's top rights court on Tuesday (9 April) said Switzerland was not doing enough to tackle climate change in a historic decision that could force governments to adopt more ambitious climate policies.
Russia and Kazakhstan ordered more than 100,000 people to evacuate after swiftly melting snow swelled mighty rivers beyond bursting point in the worst flooding in the area for at least 70 years.
News 09-04-2024
The world just experienced its warmest March on record, capping a 10-month streak in which every month set a new temperature record, the European Union's climate change monitoring service said on Tuesday (9 April).
Europe's top rights court is Tuesday (9 April) to decide in three separate cases if states are doing enough in the face of global warming in rulings that could force them to do more.
News | Aerospace 05-04-2024
The European Space Agency said Thursday (4 April) it will launch a satellite in June which will improve weather forecasting in the Arctic -- a region highly exposed to the effects of global warming.
News 03-04-2024
As EU transport ministers gather for an informal meeting in Brussels on Wednesday (3 April), the sector remains the "problem child" of the bloc's climate efforts and could account for 44% of all greenhouse gas emissions by 2030, according to latest projections.
Special Report | Interview 27-03-2024
Europe is heading into a new chapter of climate policy, paving the way for negative emissions also from the bioenergy sector, Renew Europe lawmaker Emma Wiesner told Euractiv in an interview.
News | Biodiversity 22-03-2024
On Wednesday 13 March, the European Commission published the latest list of infringement proceedings against Member States. Most of the alleged failures to implement EU environmental law concern the bloc’s biodiversity rules.
News 19-03-2024
7000 annual air pollution deaths, 10,000 km2 of acidified water and 150,000 km2 of algae blooms. These are just some of the extra impacts by 2040, if the Commission does not manage to curb agriculture’s environmental impact.
News 11-03-2024
Europe needs to take immediate action to address the rapidly increasing climate challenges, the EU's environment agency said in its first European Climate Risk Assessment (EUCRA), published on Monday (11 March), which identified 36 major risks.
News | Advocacy Lab Content 08-03-2024
The EU’s new and evolving forest monitoring framework has lawmakers contesting the benefits of harvesting optimum broad data sets, weighted against cost burdens for the forestry industry in acquiring the data.
News | Biodiversity 27-02-2024
A coalition of centre-right, far-right and national conservative EU lawmakers have failed to vote down the EU’s controversial nature restoration law amid a surge of farmers’ protests and European elections looming.
News | Energy & Environment 23-02-2024
The Catalonia region has decided to invest almost €500 million from EU funds to make its capital city more resilient to droughts, with two new desalination plants expected to come online by the end of the decade. But for the more than 500 Catalan towns that aren’t connected to the water grid, there is little prospect of improvement.
News | Health 21-02-2024
There is a growing need for an EU agenda that would address mental health challenges linked to climate change, stakeholders told an expert conference in Brussels, urging a shift towards mitigation alongside adaptation efforts.
News | Energy & Environment 21-02-2024
Even though green investments have gained momentum in recent years, a gap of €406 billion remains to be filled annually in order to meet the EU’s 2030 climate goals, according to new research published on Wednesday (21 February).
News 20-02-2024
European Union legislators reached a political agreement in the early hours of Tuesday (20 February) on a proposal to set up the world’s first registry for certified carbon dioxide removals obtained from eco-farming practices and industrial processes.
News | Energy & Environment 20-02-2024
European and US oil majors have made record profits totalling more than €260 billion since the Russian invasion of Ukraine started in February 2022, according to NGO Global Witness.
News | Politics 16-02-2024
The Czech steel industry is unprepared for decarbonisation, not only technologically but also financially, making it difficult to implement the EU’s decarbonisation plans, experts say.
News | Energy & Environment 09-02-2024
Non-state actors adopted a joint declaration in support of adaptation to climate change as part of the Belgian presidency of the EU Council in Liège on Thursday and Friday (8-9 February).
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