
Health 22-11-2022

EU-US to address pharma standards, China medtech protectionism

Est. 4min

The EU and the US are expected to extend the mutual recognition for manufacturing standards to plasma and vaccines, as well as to keep monitoring the worrying protectionist developments in China on medical devices.

Health 28-02-2022

Plasma donation referral for gay men remains open in EU’s blood revision

Est. 5min

The revision of the EU's blood directive offers the chance to overhaul outdated restrictions that prevent those in same-sex relationships from becoming blood and plasma donors.

Health 25-02-2022

Without plasma treatment, life turns deeply insecure for Alpha-1 patients

Est. 5min

As an Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency (AATD) patient, Frank Willersinn is dependent on a treatment with a plasma-derived medicine (PDMP) to make sure his body does not deteriorate.

Health 07-02-2022

Plasma donor compensation still an ‘open wound’ in EU’s blood directive revision

Est. 6min

The debate over compensating plasma donations remains one of the more sensitive issues in the revision of the EU's blood, tissues and cells legislation.

Health 27-01-2022

US blood shortage crisis leaves EU patients vulnerable

Est. 5min

The US is facing its worst blood and plasma shortage in more than a decade due to a combination of the COVID pandemic and bad weather conditions, which stakeholders have warned could have ripple effects across the pond.

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Health 27-01-2022

The socioeconomic benefits of plasma-derived medicines

Every year more people across the EU are diagnosed with life-threatening conditions which can only be treated with plasma-derived medicines.

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Health 19-01-2022

Facts about compensating plasma donors

The revision of the European Union Blood, Tissues and Cells (BTC) Legislation brings an opportunity to strengthen its legal framework to encourage new approaches that will increase the collection of plasma across Europe.

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Health 13-01-2022

Strengthening the EU Blood Directive for patients who need plasma-derived medicines

The revision of the European Union Blood, Tissues and Cells (BTC) Legislation brings an opportunity to strengthen its legal framework to encourage new approaches that will increase the collection of plasma across Europe.

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Health 10-12-2021

Europe needs to collect more plasma – Improving patient access to plasma-derived medicines

In the coming decade, it is expected that more European patients will need access to plasma-derived medicines.

Health 03-12-2021

The curious case of the English plasma supply

Est. 5min

It’s not all about Brexit on the other side of the Channel as England is bracing to face up to another harsh challenge in the coming months: building an entire plasma supply chain from the scratch.

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Health 15-11-2021

Call for Action: Enhancing plasma collection through increased regulatory efficiency

Est. 3min

The European Commission is currently revising the EU Blood, Tissue and Cells legislation, to take into account the most recent technological, scientific, epidemiological and societal developments.

Health 21-10-2021

New EU’s pharma rules: a game-changer for strategic autonomy on plasma?

Est. 5min

Ensuring sufficient plasma collection in Europe remains a thorny issue but the forthcoming revision of the EU framework for pharmaceuticals offers the potential to turn the tide.

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Health 12-10-2021

Together toward a broader European plasma donation ecosystem

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The unique aspects of human plasma need to be framed more precisely in the EU Blood Directive. The revision of the European Union Blood, Tissues and Cells Legislation brings an opportunity to strengthen this legal framework to encourage new approaches that …

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Health 07-07-2021

Infographic: a health-economic assessment on immunoglobulin replacement therapy

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This paper offers a health economic model to estimate the value of treatment with immunoglobulin replacement therapy (IgGRT) for CVID patients.

Health 14-06-2021

MEP: Clear EU definition of plasma would pave way for better awareness

Est. 7min

Communication about the importance of plasma donations can be improved by focusing on a clear definition in the EU legislation, ensuring that more awareness is raised about the role it plays in producing life-saving medical products, a centre-right EU lawmaker told EURACTIV.

Health 07-05-2021

Commission: EU’s new blood directive to address dependency on US plasma

Est. 5min

The ongoing revision of the European legislation on blood, tissues, and cells offers an opportunity to tackle the highly problematic dependency on plasma collected in the US for manufacturing plasma-derived medicinal products (PDMPs), according to an EU health official.

Health 01-04-2021

COVID-19 plasma therapy comes handy either way, EU Commission says

Est. 6min

Even though the efficiency of plasma therapies against COVID-19 are not yet demonstrated, increasing Europe's blood collection capacity will contribute to address chronic shortages, the European Commission has said.

Health 17-03-2021

COVID-19 pandemic casts new light on plasma therapies

Est. 5min

The use of COVID-19 convalescent plasma (CCP) as a therapeutic option, despite its ups and downs, has shown the European Union's renewed interest in plasma-derived medicinal products (PDMPs).

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Health 17-03-2021

Europe needs to collect more plasma

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Plasma-derived medicinal products (PDMPs), derived from human plasma from healthy donors, are essential for around 300,000 European patients who rely on these therapies to treat a variety of rare, chronic, and potentially life-threatening conditions, which are often genetic in origin. …

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Health 01-02-2021

Stella Kyriakides, European Commissioner for Health and Food Safety at the Global Plasma Summit

Remarks on establishing a reliable supply of therapies, the urgent need to increase plasma collection across the EU, and the impact of the COVID-19 on the plasma donation system (as of October 2020), presented at the Global Plasma Summit.