Pharmaceutical Industry

Health 17-05-2024

EU needs to catch up with US in research and development, lobby warns

Est. 3min

Les Entreprises du médicament en France (Leem), an association of French pharmaceutical companies, unveiled its manifesto on Friday (May 17) ahead of June's EU elections, with the focus on investing in research and development (R&D) to avoid falling behind the United States.

Health 14-05-2024

French industry minister Lescure welcomes Italian pharma company Chiesi’s investment in France

Est. 3min

French delegate minister of Industry Roland Lescure visited the production site of Italian pharmaceutical group Chiesi in the Loir-et-Cher département on Tuesday (May 14), after the company announced an investment of €10 million.

Health 02-05-2024

France: Europe’s highest tax burden for pharma industry, lobby warns

Est. 3min

France is the European country with the highest tax burden for pharmaceutical companies, according to a study published on Thursday (May 2) by Entreprises du Médicament en France (Leem), an association of French pharmaceutical companies.

Health 19-04-2024

French Greens’ top candidate wants ‘European pharmaceutical sovereignty’

Est. 4min

Marie Toussaint, the lead of the French Greens' campaign for the June European elections, presented a plan for a "European pharmaceutical sovereignty" at a press conference on Friday (19 April), after media reported that a French pharma company could be acquired by Indian buyers. 

NewsAdvocacy Lab Content
Health 12-04-2024

Shaping the future of Europe’s healthcare in a new political cycle

Est. 7min

Against the backdrop of the upcoming European elections, could the EU do more to positively affect healthcare outcomes across the EU 27 in the next legislative cycle? Astra Zeneca’s Stefan Woxström believes now is the time to seize the momentum.

Health 15-02-2024

Limiting competition in medicines is not an option

Est. 4min

EU pharmaceutical legislation is undergoing a major reform which is an opportunity to increase people’s access to medicines, but worryingly some right-leaning political groups want to give even more power to the pharma industry, writes Monique Goyens, Director General of the European Consumer Organisation (BEUC).

Health 05-02-2024

Europe’s biotech innovation in the balance

Est. 6min

The EU’s new pharma legislation package could be the medicine Europe needs to boost biotech innovation, but industry says it doesn’t go far enough.

Health 26-04-2023

LEAK: Commission enlists help of stakeholders to reshape EU pharma sector

Est. 5min

The European Commission will call for "cooperation between different stakeholders to bring about positive change" in the pharmaceutical sector, according to a leaked communication accompanying the revision of the EU's drug framework.

Health 23-03-2023

Delay of EU pharma reform faces criticism from MEPs, stakeholders

Est. 5min

The further postponement of the publication of the EU pharma legislation has caused tensions to rise among EU lawmakers and health stakeholders, who have demanded the Commission expedite it to start the legislative process on time.

Health 22-03-2023

EU pharma reform delayed again due to Commission’s busy agenda

Est. 3min

The unveiling of the much-awaited reform of the EU's regulatory framework for pharmaceuticals has been pushed back to a later date for the third time in just a few months, EURACTIV has learnt.

Health 14-03-2023

Commission to seek patient-centred, industry-friendly pharma rules reform

Est. 5min

With only a few weeks before unveiling the EU's revamped framework for pharmaceuticals, Health Commissioner Stella Kyriakides described the main drivers of the much-awaited reform, stressing the importance of finding the balance between patients' and industry's interests.

OpinionPromoted content
Technology 01-03-2023

How the AI Act could unintentionally impact access to healthcare

Est. 6min

MedTech Europe welcomes the efforts made by the European institutions towards giving citizens the confidence to embrace AI solutions. As the negotiations continue, further consideration is needed to ensure safe and innovative patient healthcare delivery.

Health 02-11-2022

Health experts challenge inequitable distribution of new medicines across EU

Est. 5min

As the EU seeks to ensure that patients across all its countries have access to modern, affordable medicines in sufficient quantities, experts warn that the current system is financially unsustainable and call for a change.

Special ReportOpinionPromoted content
Health 25-10-2022

Italy could become a reference point for biotechnology in health care also for its know-how

Est. 9min

"We believe that the biotechnology sector, especially in the health sector, can be an element of great value for patients in relation to what is the ability to produce and generate valuable innovation in favour of the well-being and health of people, but it can certainly also be a great driving force for our economic system".

Health 17-10-2022

High hopes for EU’s health biotech sector after COVID boost

Est. 5min

The vibrant biotech sector is ready to showcase what European businesses can do when it comes to human health while waiting for more initiatives at the policy level.

Health 17-10-2022

Unleashing the biotech potential in health

Est. 1min

Thanks to biotechnology applications such as PCR tests and mRNA vaccines, Europe saw a way out of the COVID-19 pandemic. What comes next is exploring the full potential of life science in the healthcare sector.

Health 12-07-2022

Pharma CEO: Gap between EU vision and national competencies affects health agenda

Est. 6min

Despite an exceptional unity of intent during the pandemic, the revision of the bloc's pharmaceutical legislation could suffer a bump between the EU's vision for health and this is still conceived at the national level, according to the CEO of a pharma company.

Revision of orphan and paediatric drug framework needed, say reports

Est. 4min

Both the European Parliament and the World Health Organisation (WHO) have reiterated the need to update the regulations on medicines for children and orphan drugs, in order to better address unmet needs of children and adolescents in cancer care.

Health 28-01-2022

Commission: Pharma companies need incentives to develop orphan drugs

Est. 4min

The market will not regulate itself when it comes to finding solutions to rare diseases, said Sandra Gallina, director at the European Commission’s DG SANTE, adding there is pressure to kickstart innovation on orphan drugs.

Health 27-01-2022

€2.4 bn ‘Innovative Health Initiative’ to better address current health issues

Est. 4min

The public-private partnership ‘Innovative Health Initiative’ (IHI), built on the 14 years of experience from the previous ‘Innovative Medicines Initiative’(IMI), expands its scope, focusing less directly on pharmaceuticals and more broadly on health care.

Health 14-10-2021

MEPs call for the EU pharma strategy to address medicine shortages

Est. 4min

MEPs adopted a draft report on Tuesday (12 October) aimed at strengthening the EU's pharmaceutical strategy to ensure every patient has reliable and timely access to medicines, as shortages have been increasing since 2000. EURACTIV France reports.

Health 07-10-2021

Pharma rules overhaul steals scene of EU’s 2022 health agenda

Est. 4min

The revision of the legislative framework of pharmaceuticals and of medicines for children and rare diseases will drop the curtain on next year's Commission agenda as they are expected to be adopted in December 2022.

Health 23-07-2021

EU action to turn the AMR tide looks at different incentive models

Est. 6min

EU policymakers are being urged to consider the full range of new incentive systems and pilot innovative approaches to tackle antimicrobial resistance (AMR), including Netflix-style subscription services and pull incentives.

Health 10-06-2021

Time to put healthcare at the heart of the digital age

Est. 4min

European healthcare stands at a crossroads. It is time to fully embrace AI and digital technology, argues Jan-Philipp Beck.