Est. 1min 10-11-2023 (updated: 28-11-2023 ) Content-Type: Sponsored By Sponsored By An organization or individual has paid to be connected to this work but did not approve or review it. Europe wants to revive its nature and boost carbon removals in order to help tackle the climate crisis [Markus Ungar / Pixabay] Euractiv is part of the Trust Project >>> Print Email Facebook X LinkedIn WhatsApp Telegram The European Union wants to slash its greenhouse gas emissions but also boost the amount of carbon it removes from the atmosphere in order to prevent drastic global warming – and healthy forests have a big part to play in this. To do this, EU countries need to revive their nature, including restoring and planting forests, and make sure carbon removals are done in a way that benefits the environment and does not allow companies or countries to greenwash. In this special report, Euractiv looks at how the EU’s Nature Restoration Law and Carbon Removals Certification Framework can make this a reality. Subscribe now to our newsletter EU Elections Decoded Email Address * Politics Newsletters EU negotiators agree historic law to restore Europe’s nature News | Climate change 10-11-2023 Est. 5minNegotiators from EU countries and the European Parliament agreed on a landmark new law late on Thursday (9 November) to restore at least 20% of Europe’s land and sea areas by 2030 and all ecosystems in need of restoration by 2050. Restoring forests can boost global carbon capture, major study finds News | Climate change 19-11-2023 Est. 4minRestoring and connecting forests through community-driven action can capture up to 226 gigatonnes of carbon, roughly equivalent to a third of what humans have released since the beginning of the industrial era, according to new research. Ireland works to restore decimated woodlands News | Climate change 27-11-2023 Est. 6minIreland has seen a dramatic decrease in its woodlands, from trees covering 80% of the country 6,000 years ago to 1% by the end of the 19th century and around 11% today, according to Ireland's Agriculture and Food Development Authority. European Parliament adopts position on certifying carbon removals News | Climate change 22-11-2023 Est. 4minThe European Parliament adopted its position on Tuesday (21 November) on a scheme to certify carbon removals to help Europe meet its climate target and prevent greenwashing. UK sued for counting wood burning with carbon capture as ‘negative emissions’ News | Climate change 13-11-2023 Est. 6minEnvironmental groups are taking the UK government to court on Monday (13 November) over plans to spend billions on Biomass with Carbon Capture and Storage (BECCS), a technology aimed at removing CO2 from the atmosphere that is also being promoted by the European Union. Nature Restoration Law adopted in trilogue, but still a long way to go Opinion | Biodiversity 10-11-2023 Est. 5minThe Nature Restoration Law, which was approved during talks between the European Parliament and the Council, comes a little late in view of the ecological calamity raging on our doorstep, but at least it's there, writes Jutta Paulus.