About: intellectual property

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Economy 03-06-2024

Celebrating a Milestone for Inventors – One Year of the Unitary Patent

Est. 7min

One year since the landmark launch of the Unitary Patent, António Campinos, President of the European Patent Office, evaluates its progress in broadening access into the European patent system for underrepresented inventors and supporting technological development.

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Technology 24-01-2024

Europe Stands at a Crossroads on Technology Policy

Est. 5min

Chinese officials just made an unprecedented, yet almost unnoticed, economic power grab. And instead of condemning the move, today, European officials could softly condone it -- by voting to implement a similar policy that would gut tech innovation across the EU.

Agrifood 22-08-2023

Europe Patent Office: Gene-edited plants will be patented under GMO rules

Est. 4min

The recent European Commission proposal to boost the marketing uptake of gene-edited crops will not affect how patents for these innovative technologies are granted, according to the organisation protecting inventions across Europe.

Technology 27-04-2023

EU Commission pitches rules for patents ‘essential’ for standards

Est. 5min

The European Commission presented on Thursday (27 April) a legislative package including measures to facilitate access to patents needed to comply with technical standards. The main part of the package focuses on Standard Essential Patents (SEPs), patents covering technologies that are …

Justice 27-04-2023

US adds Belarus, Bulgaria to intellectual property watch list

Est. 3min

The US Trade Representative's office added Belarus to an intellectual property rights watch list over a new law allowing the unauthorized use of copyrighted works from countries sanctioning Belarus for its support of Russia's war in Ukraine.

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Technology 26-04-2023

IP, the invisible glue that connects creativity and competitiveness

Est. 6min

On this World Intellectual Property Day 2023, IP Europe applauds Europe’s role in the development of open standards but also sounds the alarm that these very same patents, and with them Europe’s leadership in technologies such as 5G, are under threat.

Industrial Strategy 19-04-2023

EU institutions reach agreement on European Chips Act

Est. 5min

A political deal paving the way for the formal adoption of the Chips Act was struck at a negotiation session between the EU's main institutions on Tuesday (18 April). The European Commission proposed the Chips Act in February 2022 during a …

Technology 30-03-2023

Commission to propose competence centre on essential tech patents

Est. 4min

The Commission has put forward a proposal to create a new unit within the EU’s Intellectual Property Office to focus on transparency of standard patents.

Health 01-03-2023

COVID committee report faces criticisms on intellectual property

Est. 5min

EU lawmakers shared an overall positive view of the final draft report of the European Parliament's special committee on COVID-19 (COVI) but some of them voiced criticism over the part on intellectual property rights and the social impact of the pandemic.

Industrial Strategy 18-01-2023

EU Parliament’s leading committee readies final position on Chips Act

Est. 5min

As the leading parliamentary committee prepares to adopt its position on the Chips Act next week, EURACTIV provides an overview of the main changes.

OpinionPromoted content
Technology 21-11-2022

Data Act or Data Hack?

Est. 3min

With appliances producing an unprecedented amount of information, their importance must not be underestimated. A distinction is needed between the data generated by the user and those who are instead internal processes of the machine to comply with the request.

OpinionPromoted content
Politics 27-10-2022

Intellectual Property management will decide the future of companies looking into African trade

Est. 5min

For EU businesses to seize new opportunities in Africa up to an estimated $3 trillion, the protection of intellectual property rights may be more important than expected. The EU Intellectual property service supports new business for EU companies in Africa.


Economy 29-06-2022

Backing IP waiver is wrong move in Europe’s fight against Covid

Est. 6min

A Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property (TRIPS) waiver is neither useful nor effective in solving global vaccination issues, and comes with plenty of negative consequences, writes Pieter Cleppe.

Global Europe 17-06-2022

WTO strikes global trade deals after ‘roller coaster’ talks

Est. 5min

The World Trade Organization agreed on the first change to global trading rules in years 17 June as well as a deal to boost the supply of COVID-19 vaccines in a series of pledges that were heavy on compromise.

Global Europe 17-06-2022

WTO reaches initial deal as India’s defiance tempered

Est. 4min

Major members of the World Trade Organization reached an initial deal on 16 June, winning over India which said it was confident more global accords could be achieved as negotiations on fishing, vaccines and food security entered their final hours.

EU-Africa 15-02-2022

EU, Africa at odds over vaccine patents ahead of summit

Est. 3min

The EU on Monday (14 February) stood by its refusal to lift patent protections on Covid vaccines, just days ahead of a summit with African Union countries who see the issue as a priority.

Economy 11-01-2022

Pharma industry calls for stronger IP protection in free trade agreements

Est. 5min

Amid global criticism for holding on to vaccine patents during the pandemic, a new study commissioned by the European pharmaceuticals industry claims that integrating stronger intellectual property protection into free trade agreements would benefit the EU economy.

copyright 27-07-2021

Facebook teams up with French anti-piracy association on copyright

Est. 3min

Facebook has teamed up with French anti-piracy association ALPA up to protect content on its platforms from copyright infringement, the tech giant announced on Monday (26 July). EURACTIV France reports.

Health 18-05-2021

G20 snubs COVID patent waiver, waters down pledge on WHO’s funding

Est. 4min

Leaders of the world’s largest economies back “voluntary licensing” of COVID-19 vaccine patents, the draft conclusions of a summit show, watering down a US push for waivers and earlier commitments to supply more funds to the World Health Organization.

Coronavirus 30-04-2021

MEPs vote down call for COVID vaccine IP waiver

Est. 4min

An amendment calling on the EU to back India and South Africa's proposal to temporary lift intellectual property rights for the COVID-19 vaccine was rejected by the European Parliament on Thursday (29 April).

Coronavirus 27-04-2021

Commission, industry dubious about IP rights waiver for COVID-19 vaccines

Est. 4min

Both the European Commission and vaccine manufacturers are not convinced by the potential benefits of waiving the intellectual property (IP) rights of COVID-19 vaccines and treatments. 

Agrifood 20-01-2021

EU Court leaves Cyprus on the grill as halloumi trademark rift heats up

Est. 4min

The European Court of Justice (ECJ) has dismissed the claim of a Cypriot producers' organisation who challenged the trademark validation of Bulgarian halloumi-sounding products arguing that they could deceive consumers.

Health 25-06-2020

A Covid-19 vaccine must have a ‘global public good’ guarantee

Est. 5min

A coronavirus vaccine must be accessible to all. EU leaders must ensure that patents do not put profits ahead of people, writes Marc Botenga.

Agrifood 26-05-2020

European Patent Office endorses EU’s stance on conventionally-bred plants

Est. 5min

The longstanding legal saga on patentability for plants obtained by conventional biological processes has been seemingly put to an end after the Enlarged Body of the European Patent Office (EPO) published an opinion upholding the EU's standpoint.