As a frontrunner in climate ambitions, the EU cannot allow the demand for biodiesel to be met by unfair and possibly fraudulent imports from China. Immediate registration of imports is critical, before it is too late.
The 1st European B+ Summit conference, held in Estoril, Portugal, from 26 to 28 April 2023, brought together industry players from across Europe to discuss the decarbonisation of Heavy-Duty Vehicles (HDVs) through higher biodiesel blends. Xavier Noyon is the Secretary General …
The recent European Commission proposal for new CO2 standards for trucks, trailers, and buses, significantly tightens previous emissions limits, while leaving the door open for some Internal Combustion Engines (ICE) vehicles. However, the proposal fails to consider the meaningful contribution of renewable biofuels like biodiesel.
European produced biodiesel is an available, local and ready-to-use renewable fuel that can decarbonise the EU’s heavy duty vehicles fleet. Political and regulatory obstacles currently hinder its contribution.
Decarbonising road transport requires making the most of low-carbon solutions that work in the vehicles Europeans continue to rely on. In a new joint position paper, a coalition of EU alternative fuels producers and suppliers offers a way to turn failure into success when it comes to reducing transport emissions.